Friday, May 31, 2019

Forum: Today’s Islamic Feminisms: National and Transnational Perspectives - Programme

Modern Islamic feminisms seek equality in Muslim family laws and revisit the fiqh-based background of these laws from within Islam. These Feminisms appeared in the last two decades of the twentieth century and are developing quickly in the twenty-first century. National, transnational, individual-based and network-based, these feminisms constitute a genuine social movement and have resulted in knowledge-production and policy- based analyses. The Fez Ninth Mediterranean Women International Forum invites reflection on today’s overall status of Islamic feminisms by addressing four main axes: the Concepts of Islamic feminisms, challenges of Islamic feminisms, and Islamic feminisms in Diaspora.

International Forum: Today’s Islamic Feminisms: National and Transnational Perspectives
Dates : Venue:
7,8, & 9 June, 2019
Hôtel Les Mérinides, Fès
Dr Fatima Sadiqi, Director of the Forum
Ms Abir Ibourk (KAS), Director of Logistics
Ms Yousra Bettache (International Institute for Languages and Cultures)
Languages of the Forum: Arabic, French, English (simultaneous translation will be

Friday 7 June
9: 00 h Arrival and Registration
9: 30 h Opening Session: Welcoming speeches

Keynote Address: Feminism/s: A Fresh Look 10: 30: Reception

1st Session: Islamic Feminism: Ideology, Knowledge, Activism
Moderator: Moha ENNAJI, International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez
Margot BADRAN, Center for Muslim Christian Understanding, Georgetown University, USA
11: 00 h : (Equality between the Sexes: A Religious Perspective)
Driss FASSI FIHRI, Imam, University al-Qarawiyyin, Fez Sarah FARAG, University of Zurich, Switzerland
11: 30 h Islamic Feminism and Political Activism in Morocco
Moha ENNAJI, International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez
11: 45 h Discussion

2nd Session: Islamic Feminism: Cultural Politics and Decolonization Moderator: Sara FARAG, University of Zurich, Switzerland
15: 00 h Fatema Mernissi’s Transpositions of Difference: Tracking a Feminist Cultural Politics in Post-Colonial Morocco
Najib MOKHTARI, International University of Rabat
15:15h Moroccan Women and the State in the Wake of Reform Souad EDDOUADA, Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra
15: 30 h Islamic Feminism in Morocco: Towards a Decolonial Praxis Meriem El HAITAMI, International University of Rabat
15: 45 h Discussion 16h:15 Coffee Break

3rd Session: Islamic Feminism: Opportunities and Challenges Moderator: Lydia POTTS, University of Oldenburg, Germany
16 : 45 h Islamic Feminism in Morocco, the Inheritance Controversy and the Vivre Ensemble
Rajae RHOUNI, Chouaib Doukkali University, El Jadida
17: 00 h Islam and Human Rights: The Contribution of Tunisian Intellectuals and Activists in Feminizing the Discourse
Jumana AL-AHMAD, Wake Forest University, USA
17: 15 h
Islamic Feminist Icons in Morocco: The Case of Asmae Lamrabet
Mohammed YACHOULTI, Moulay Ismail University, Meknès 17 : 30h Discussion
11: 15h
Rethinking Feminist Interventions, Decolonising Gender

Saturday 8 June
4th Session: Islamic Feminism and Hermeneutics
Moderator: Mohamed MOUBTASSIME, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez
9: 00 h 9: 15 h 9: 30 h
9: 45 h 10:15 h
Women’s Ijtihad as a Strategy for Liberation Meryem YAFOUT, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Muslim Theology and the “closure of the gate of ijtihad”
Sadiq RDDAD, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez
Islamic Feminism and Reform in the Post Arab Spring: Beyond the Secular/Religious Debate
Rachid TOUHTOU, National School of Statistics and Applied Economics, Rabat
Discussion Coffee Break

5th Session: Islamic Feminism and the State
Moderator: Souad SLAOUI, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez
10 :45 h Féminisme Islamique, activisme et état en Algérie
Khaled MEHIZ, Activiste, Association Nationale De Volontariat, Algérie
11 : 00 h The Interplay Between the Politics of Religion, Gender and the Rhetoric of Political Liberalization: What Future for Islamic Feminisms in Morocco?
Souad SLAOUI, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez
11 : 15 h Discussion

6th Session: Islamic Feminism: A Transnational Social Movement? Moderator: Connie Carøe CHRISTIANSEN, Lebanese American University, Beirut
15:00 h Islamic Feminism – Perspectives from a Transnational Social Movement Approach
Connie Carøe CHRISTIANSEN, Lebanese American University, Beirut
15 : 15 h Distorted Citizenship: Egyptian Women Legal Identities within the Public-Private Paradigm
Sara ABDELGHANI, American University of Cairo, Egypt
15: 30 h The Potential Impact of Islamic Feminism on Advancing Gender Equality in Lebanon
Reem MAGHRIBI, Lebanese American University, Beirut
15: 45 The 2004 Moudawana Reforms: An Example of Islamic Feminism?
16:00h Discussion
16:30h Coffee Break
7th Session: Islamic Feminism and Activism
Moderator: Rajae RHOUNI, Chouaib Doukkali University, El Jadida
17:00 h
Le mouvement féministe et l’évolution des droits des femmes en Tunisie
17: 45h
Book Review: Activisme, Feminisme en Islam: Stemmen van Marokkaanse en Marokkaans-Nederlandse Vrouwen, edited by Marjo Buitelaar, Moha Ennaji, Fatima Sadiqi and Karen Vintges
Laura VAN DER TOORN, University of Amsterdam Roosmarjin van WOERDEN, University of Amsterdam
Fatima SADIQI,
Jinan AL IMAM,
Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences, Tunis
École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) de
National School of Statistics and Applied Economics,
International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez

17:15 h «Une révolution musulmane et féministe»: décolonisation,
action et politicisation
Malika HAMIDI,

17: 30h Moroccan Women Saints: on the Road to the West

Moroccan Dutch Women and Islamic Identity
18:15 h Discussion

Sunday 9 June
8th Session: Islamic Feminism in Europe
Moderator: Ulrike LINGEN-ALI, University of Oldenburg, Germany
9: 30 h Islamic Feminisms in Western Classrooms Lydia POTTS, University of Oldenburg, Germany
9: 45 h Feminism and ‘Islamic Feminism’ as Discussed in German Media Helma PASCH, University of Koln, Germany
10: 00 h Cross-cultural Interviewing of Islamic Feminists in Europe Touria KHANNOUS, Louisiana State University, USA
10: 15: Discussion
10: 45: Coffee Break
11: 15 h 11: 30 h
Female, Islamic, Different. Threshold Positions of Belonging and Polarizations in Current German Debates
Sylvia PRITSCH, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Gender, Islam and the Law in South Africa: The Feminist Struggles and Advocacy for Muslim Marriage Recognition
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South
11: 45: Discussion

9th Session:
Imagining the Intersectionality of Diasporas, Recognizing
Rhetorics of Difference and Dignity
Moderator: Sonya Maria JOHNSON, Beloit College, USA
12: 15 h Utilizing Performance as an Intersectional Response to Violence Against Women
Zoe FLOWERS, U.S.-based creator, Author, Filmmaker and Founder of Soul Requirements, Inc.
12 :30 h
Sonya Maria JOHNSON, Beloit College, USA
12 :45 h At the Intersection of Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Class: An Examination of a Chinese Woman’s Immigration in Early 20th Century United States
Beatrice MCKENZIE, Beloit College, USA
13: 00 h Protecting Black Girls From the School to Prison Pipeline: Movement Building for Culturally Specific Approaches in Prevention and Intervention
Aleese MOORE-ORBIH, Senior Director of Programs, Women of Color Network, Inc., USA
13:15 h Discussion
13: 45 h Recommendations and Closure
Moderator: Fatima SADIQI (Director of the Forum)

14: 15 h End of the Forum
16:00-18:00 Guided Tour to the Medina (Old city) and Ville Nouvelle (New City)
The Ancestors Make It Home: Palo Monte/Mayombe and the Making
of Social Place in Contemporary Cuba

21: 00: Farewell Party: Local Women’s Music

Organizing Committee


Book Exhibit: Librairie Mékouar - Fez Lefennec - Casablanca
Painting: Khadija MADANI ALAOUI, Tarik SADIK, Moha ENNAJI, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez
Exhibition of feminine products: Rajae SLAOUI-HAMMOUDA, Presidente, ESPOD, Association for the Promotion of small enterprises, Fez 


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