Sunday, April 30, 2006

The bloggers target extreme Islamic treatment of women.

In the last few days there have been some fascinating posts from a couple of my favourite bloggers. Both of them have commented on Islamic woman and the absurd nature of some of the dress codes and demeaning treatment. Sabbah has a great post To Dress and Undress! which begins with the picture of a woman who is certainly not about to set any speed records in the pool, and then he moves on to lingerie shops in Saudi having the windows blacked out.

Meanwhile over in Cat in Rabat land the attention is turned to the news that women will be allowed into sporting stadiums. "For the 1st time since 1979, Iranian women will be allowed to attend sporting events in public, in front of men, in stadiums! Women had been barred from sporting events because (at least officially) of the "cramped nature of sporting events as well as the profanities shouted by male spectators"

Read the Cat's post here: He shoots, she scores!

The ban on women attending major matches was imposed in 1979 when the country's newly adopted Islamic code forbade women from watching men play sport.

There were regular protests against the ban, especially when women supporting visiting foreign teams were allowed into stadiums to watch their side.

Meanwhile officials in the capital, Tehran, last week launched a campaign to insist women obey Iran's strict Islamic dress codes.

Hopefully the next Iranian revolution will emancipate women from the bizarre dark-ages time warp they are in now.



  1. Those that insist on enforcing women’s dress codes which, in the most conservative examples, force women to go about in what could be viewed as ‘sacks’ with eye holes cut in them are not, in my view, protecting the honour of women. Rather they are dishonouring themselves by demonstrating that they don’t have the strength of character, sincerity of spirit or personal will to control their own basest instincts. The emotional (EQ) and spiritual (SQ) quotients of intelligence seem to be lacking in many. IQ is a ‘fluke’ and is not enough, the other two quotients are essential in large amounts to overcome personal stupidity or is it that they suffer from plain old ‘dumbness’ borne of a cultural indoctrination that looks to the past and pleads for the return of the ‘dark ages’!
