Saturday, April 29, 2006

Train travel in Morocco

We have had several questions about train travel in Morocco. The simple answer to most questions is "yes" - it is easy, and cheap. If you want a modicum of comfort book a first class ticket. Remember to take some food and water to share with others in your compartment. You will quickly discover that most Moroccans will share their food with you, so be prepared to reciprocate. Simple, bread, fruit, cheese and so on, is fine.

Link to Moroccan train timetable


1 comment:

  1. salaaaaam
    but why you telling you fellows this?? we moroccans do share food because the prophet said, dont eat infront of poeple without inviting them to share, by politeness simply

    most of poeple will say: no thank besa7a
    but bearing in mind to BUY more food incase you need to share that would harm you
    they always offer me to eat i refuse politely actualy i hate that habit, sometimes they are eating something i dont like or just the smell of it makes me feel bad, whene its strangers (as tourists are plenty all time around in our trains) and they offer a biscuit or so i refuse politely because i dont know if it was baked in a 7alal way or is there any alcohool as we know it might be !!!!!
    ill tell u one thing: if you eat infront of a lady a girl or a woman do share with her u know why?? because she might be pregnant and if she doenst taste it its believed the baby will be harmed !!!!! thats also a beliefe simply
    so here i tried to explain it to you as your morocan friends will do too ;)
