Sunday, July 16, 2006

Illiteracy rate falls to 39% in Morocco

In Rabat on Friday the Moroccan Premier, Driss Jettou, announced that Morocco's illiteracy rate has declined to 39% nationwide, adding some two million people have attended literacy courses during the past four years.

"The qualitative performance is a strong indicator that shows our capacity to curb the illiteracy plague", said Jettou at the academic year end ceremony organized by the State Secretariat in charge of Literacy and non formal education.

Premier Jettou said the national literacy program draws inspiration from various international recommendations and conferences on "education for all".

He added that owing to the importance of the program, the government has established a department dedicated to fighting illiteracy and coordinating national efforts in this regard, and adopted a strategy that uses the needed means to implement the program.



  1. Oh, I wonder where they got their 39% figure. Frankly, I think it's BS. No demographic distinctions mentioned, very fishy.

    Urban vs. rural (big one)
    Age (20 and under set probably doing pretty good)
    North vs. South
    Men vs. Women (child labor, still a huge problem)

  2. Funny, I thought the illiteracy rate was @ 30%. Just goes to show you ...
