Sunday, July 16, 2006

Moroccans protest Israeli aggression

Several associations, political, union and human rights personalities took part in a sit-in in front of the UN office in Rabat meant to decry the Israeli aggression against Lebanon.

Protesters called on the UNO to shoulder its responsibility and to intervene to pressure Israel put an end to its aggression targeting the Lebanese people, describing the barbaric acts as "a crime against humanity".

In Cairo, Arab foreign ministers started on Saturday their extraordinary meeting to consider the latest developments in Palestine and Lebanon and the escalation of Israeli aggression and threats against them.

Moroccan Foreign Minister, Mohamed Benaissa, is taking part in the Arab league extraordinary meeting.

Morocco repatriate nationals from Lebanon via Damascus

An air rotation program started on Saturday to repatriate Moroccan nationals living, transiting or visiting Lebanon, which has been the target of Israeli attacks and blockade that entailed the closing of the Beirut International airport, a Foreign Ministry communiqué said.

Following royal instructions, the program was kicked off on Saturday with the arrival of a C-130 plane at the Damascus airport, the communiqué added.

The communiqué also said that the Moroccan embassy in Beirut operated on Friday a first road evacuation of Moroccan nationals toward Damascus in order to repatriate them to Morocco.


1 comment:

  1. You miss the point. According to the Jews they are the only people who suffered in WW2.
    If Slobodan Milosovic can be tried as a war criminal in the Hague I can think of other people who should have to answer for their crimes.
