Sunday, September 10, 2006

Employment opportunity for Moroccan graduates

The under-employment of degree holders is a major problem for Moroccan authorities. Every year thousands of bright young students complete their studies only to find that they have no work. Now The View from Fez can report some good news. Some 865 unemployed degree holders are to be recruted in the civil service in stages between September 2006 and September 2007, under an agreement signed by the administration and three groups of the degree holders of higher education.

The agreement was reached this week at a meeting between representatives of the government and those of the groups: "Union des cadres supérieurs au chômage" (541), "Al-Amal des docteurs au chômage " (155) and "les cinq des cadres supérieurs au chômage" (169). The representatives discussed the issue later with Premier Driss Jettou.

Jettou voiced satisfaction over the positive resultats of the dialog with the groups, commending the "great spirit of responsability" that marked the dialog, adding the move is part of the government policy on promoting employement.

Under the agreement, the technical commission in charge of the dossier will hold talks with various public departments, institutions and entreprises to implement the decisions made.

It also exceptionally provides for the recruting of degree holders who are above age recrutment limits and secures recrutment for the members of the groups in the private sector, as well as explore employment possibilities at the international level.

The document on the other hand contains commitment of the groups to “stop staging any public protest before the buildings and heandquarters of the civil service”.


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