Sunday, September 10, 2006

Small loss for government in Moroccan elections

For those who read our background article on the Moroccan Elections, here are the first results.

Morocco's governing majority lost five parliamentary seats in partial elections last week. The loss does not pose any risk to the government as the Upper House elections Friday were largely seen as a formality because the vote was limited to unions and administrative bodies.

With 90 of 270 seats in the Assembly of Councilors up for election, the majority coalition — centered on the Independence Party and the Socialist Union of Forces for Progress — lost a net total of five seats, according to results released late Saturday by Morocco's state news agency.

"Certainly, to lose five seats is nothing dramatic," wrote Le Matin newspaper on Sunday. It added, however, that the vote could forebode changes in Morocco's political balance after general elections to the lower house next year.

The assembly has 270 members elected in 90-seat blocs to nine-year terms by local councils and trade unions. Elections are staggered by three years


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