Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Arab Bloggers - press the yellow button

The buzz around the Arab blogosphere is one word - IKBIS.

What? Yep, Ikbis. After a tease campaign with nothing to show but a big yellow button, Ikbis has opened to the public. It is a video and photo storage and sharing site for Arab bloggers and if early indications are anything to go by it wiill be very popular with those wanting to catch the latest video or simply see what images Arab bloggers are capturing. There are already a range of shots and video posted including Arab cartoons.

Today we gave it a test run and it is easy to use, intuitive and fast. There are still a few bugs in the beta system, but we feel sure they will be ironed out over time.

You will find the site here: IKBIS



  1. Yeah well, another beta service.
    In this new internet age you will never hope to have something complete from the first time. And this sucks.

  2. Looks good to me. Well done Ikbis.

  3. Dear Yahia
    in this crazy web business your ideas are always in risk for someone else to to beat you first.

    the new business strategy is always to launch first and even if its not 100% ready rather wasting time in perfecting your product. At the same time you should keep the development process ongoing...

    i feel this strategy brought success for many well known brand on the internet such as youtube and flickr

  4. Beta is fine - we all know to expect a few bugs - and for the first day the site appears to have done very well.

  5. Hi samir..

    Thanks for writing about and using ikbis. the pictures you uploaded are really great.

    ikbis will be continually evolved. Tonight the site will actually be down for a short while as we deploy a number of fixes.

    We have been really having two great days. The support and suggestions have been really encouraging. Our hope is that we'll add value to arab online life and create services that people will use and enjoy..

    thanks again for the mention!
