Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A new face in the Fez Medina.

With the number of tourists flocking into Fez at the moment and the number of new arrivals looking for houses, it is hard to keep track of who is who. However, Tony Hall is a face to remember.

Tony, from Norwich, is a partner with Louis Mcintosh in the renovation of Dar Mernissi and like Louis has a background in the restaurant trade. In fact the connection between the two of them couldn't be stronger. They have been friends since the age of five and in many ways have lived parallel lives. Both are chefs and both have spent time on luxury yachts, preparing meals for the rich and famous in exotic locations.

Louis and Tony- a lifelong friendship.

With such an occupation it is understandable that Tony is well traveled, so with most of the globe to select from, why Fes?

"I had visited Louis in Spain and was impressed with the restoration he had done and so when he suggested we go in together on another venture in Spain, I agreed. However, I was on a yacht in the Caribbean when Louis rang to say he had put our money into a Fez property."

Tony had no problems with the idea of Fez, because he had a longstanding relationship with the Medina, having visited back in 1978. "I was amazed by the place by the place then as much as I am now. In all my travels I have never seen anything like it. A working, medieval city is something extraordinary."

On his first trip to Morocco, Tony met up with a young man who assisted in showing him round. Years later, visiting Moroccan friends, Ali and Driss, in Sydney Australia, the same young man turned up as a visitor. It is indeed a small world. Having formed a favourable opinion of Morocco and Moroccans, Tony has no hesitation about talking of Fez as a place to retire, but is quick to add - "You never really retire, do you?"

Tony Hall visits The View from Fez

He is impressed with the work that Louis has done so far "To me Louis’s task has been daunting, dealing with the local people, all the stress factors, but great project. The house? I had no idea – look at the detail – the Terrace is amazing, the main salon..." He trails off with a smile on his face. "You know," he says, "I could train Moroccan chefs Maybe a training restaurant."

And the cuisine? "Eclectic, of course, from my travels – good food using local produce."

And the future? For a man who is currently working as a chef to Queen rock star, Roger Taylor, he points out he can have the best of both worlds. "I have plenty of time when I am free to travel, and time when I need to work, but for the moment I am just glad to be back in Fez. I would like to understand the culture and assimilate, as much as one can. Fez has not changed much in thirty years – and to be part of something like this - to do a sympathetic restoration makes me feel good."

With an attitude like that, he will make a welcome addition to the community here in Fez and we hope to see him back more often in the future, inshallah.



  1. I try not to call over here too often ... it really doesn't help with trying to live in Belgium :)

    Fez sounds so very very good ... !

  2. Fabulous project. However am
    greatly disappointed Tony will not make it to Antigua this season. Sarah et moi thinking about visiting you in Fez. That ok??
