Friday, November 17, 2006

Fez Medina - Whispers and rumours.

All the gossip that's fit to eat....

of the wonderful things about the old Medina of Fez is that at the same time it is so big and yet so small. Much can go unnoticed unless you keep your eyes open and pay close attention to the more subtle ripples and the changes in the ebb and flow around you. And if you have been paying attention you will have noticed things are changing.

Keep your eyes open - Photo Suzanna Clarke

One area that is changing fast is the size and nature of the ex-patriot community where things are not just rippling at the moment but positively coruscating! The old hands are getting together in a more cooperative way while the new arrivals are out hunting for houses with varying degrees of success.

The ethical nature of the real estate agencies operating in the Medina was the subject of much talk at a gathering of the community this evening. A recent post on The View from Fez about the seeming lack of ethics ( read it here) maybe having some effect because the estate agents are learning that it is a community they are dealing with, not simply individuals. People talk and exchange information and one negative experience is soon common knowledge around the Medina.

One whisper floating through the alleys and streets of Fez is that a new real estate company may be about to start up that will have a very sound ethical base and operate in a different way from those presently selling property. The confusion over commission percentages and viewing fees could soon be a thing of the past - inshallah.

"The shared philosophy of Fez being a place you come to because you love it and not simply an investment opportunity is welcome and refreshing."

Last night's meeting of ex-pats was a glamorous affair starting with drinks and nibbles at the wonderful home of Louis-Fes and migrating to "Fred's" place to enjoy not only the extraordinary hospitality, but the warmth of his beautifully designed but simple terrace fire.

The gathering boasted almost all of the "regulars" and many interesting new faces. Antonio from Italy was in fine form along with Michael and Amanda, Dominic and Jennifer from the UK. French guests mingled with Moroccans, South Africans, Kiwis, Brits and Australians and the talk ranged from the bargain dar prices to the dreams of the beautiful riads that were sadly out many people's price range. Fortunately nobody mentioned the cricket.

In the end, it was not just a pleasant social occasion, but an important bringing together of the considerable talents now present in the ex-pat community. As one guest observed, "The shared philosophy of Fez being a place you come to because you love it and not simply an investment opportunity is welcome and refreshing." With this dynamic and creative group in the Medina we can expect some interesting times ahead - we will keep you posted.

Talking of Australians. As Zany flew back for a stint of work in Australia, Aussie Pete and Karen arrived back in the Medina. The couple arrived from Casa this morning and paid a surprise visit too The View from Fez before heading home for a well earned rest. They emerged later to visit Josephine who, like the rest of us, was delighted to see them back.

Our friend Louis felt a little miffed that he was exposed in our pages as a chocoholic and so has taken his revenge by posting a picture of himself without a chocolate in sight - nice try Louis!

The opening night of Jazz in the Riads was reported to be a success but there are grumbles about the lack of advertising and the crowding of the early evening program with five events on at the same time.

The recent spate of attacks has certainly drawn a response with a more visible police presence and local guardians very much in evidence in some of the trouble spots. The rumour mill says it could have been brought about by a police shortage - but whatever the cause things appear to be getting back to normal ... and now, if we can just get those motorbikes out of the medina...



  1. Great Post - thanks for sharing the "spirit" of Fes

  2. Exciting times. Can we have more "gossip" stories. Even though I don't live in Fez I have visited twice and love to hear what is going on.

  3. Our pleasure - Fez is worth sharing.
