Monday, March 09, 2009

King pardons 567 people on Id Al-Mawlid (Prophet's birthday)

King Mohammed VI of Morocco granted pardon to 567 people, some in detention and others free, on the occasion of Id Al-Mawlid (Prophet's birthday)

Total pardon was granted to 29 inmates over their remaining prison term or reclusion, while reduction of imprisonment term or reclusion concerned 477 people, according to a Justice Ministry statement issued on Monday.

Eight people had the remaining of their imprisonment terms annulled or reduced, the statement said, while four people had their prison terms annulled, with the maintenance of the fine.

Four more people had their imprisonment terms and fines annulled; while 45 others had their fine sentences written off.

Justice & Equality

King Mohammed VI called for promoting the lofty values of justice and equality extolled in the message of the Prophet Mohamad.

In messages of congratulation to leaders of sister Islamic countries on the occasion of Aid Al Mawlid , the king insisted that it is important for the Ummah to recall these lofty values and consolidate means and mechanisms necessary to give concrete substance to the authentic Islamic solidarity.

The monarch also stressed that this occasion "is a propitious time which prompts us to meditate on the lofty values extolled in the message of the Prophet Mohamad and think about the multiple meanings it conveys."

The objective, the messages went on, is to rise to the current challenges facing the Ummah, namely achieving the economic integration, addressing social problems and combating ignorance and all forms of extremism and terrorism.

The objective is also to reinforce the Ummah's standing at regional level and internationally and uphold its just causes, the king said.

The monarch prayed that Almighty God “inspire us wisdom, discernment and full success in efforts to live up to the aspirations of the peoples for further progress, prosperity, cooperation and solidarity within the framework of unity.”



  1. I'm intrigued at this article... do you guys work for the palace's press relations department?

    It would be nice to have more balanced, even critical commentary on the view from Fez rather than "candy floss" articles about what a progressive government (lol) this country has.

  2. LOL Anony-mouse, you are easily intrigued and sadly cynical. However, I am certain when you are on the receiving end of a pardon, you will start looking at this whole blog and not just the things that support your prejudices.

    I have known three of the authors of this blog for six or seven years and I can tell you that you could not be more deluded - and their critical attitude is plain to see. However the huge success of The View is due to its steadfast support for Morocco and its gradual reformation. The blog is a wonderful doorway to understanding Moroccans and responsible for a huge number of positively minded visitors. If you want politics, go read a political blog, not a cultural one. .

  3. While we appreciate your support ( as always) Alice ~ You are a bit harsh! Everyone is welcome to their opinion on The View from Fez. We always publish the "pardons" because we know how different the Moroccan system is than that of western countries. The notion of a pardon at New Year, or Christmas or Easter would be unthinkable in the UK or USA, but it is something that other countries can learn from Morocco.

    Anonymous - thanks for your comment. If you look at our articles on censorship of the media, on the treatment of children, and many other topics you will see that we are not pushing any line other than that of social justice and human rights.
