Monday, March 09, 2009

Fez - Being Born.

While hundreds of thousands of people are enjoying the new U2 cd No Line on the Horizon, and we in Fez just love the track Fez - Being Born, we are in debt to one very astute reader of The View from Fez, for pointing out the opening words of one of our posts back on March 4 2007.

Returning to Fez is a little like being reborn. Suddenly all the reasons that you love the Medina come into sharp focus. As you drive through the new city and get your first glimpse of the lights on the walls of the Medina, you know that very soon you will be on foot, weaving your way through the narrow lanes and alleys...

Now, while Bono has read our blog from time to time, I am pretty sure we won't asking for a share of the royalties!

Our thanks to Naomi in Prague for pointing it out. And just for the record, here are the U2 lyrics.

African sun at last
Lights.. flash past
Like memories
A speeding head, a speeding heart
I'm being born,
- U2



  1. I would like to know what are the words in moroccan arabic of the voices one can hear at the beginning of the song. Any idea??Laura

  2. That is such a sweet post about Fez.
