Friday, April 24, 2009

The Galerie Chez Mehdi Opening Party.

Yesterday The View from Fez attended the opening ceremony of the new Galerie Chez Mehdi in Fez. Normally we would have had a report up the same day, but the celebrations went on until after 1 am at which stage none of us were capable of posting anything!

The event was blessed with perfect weather which contributed to an upbeat atmosphere that was truly festive and markedly different from the low key ambiance that has surrounded the Sufi Festival.

Cutting edge management - Jess Stephens with the scissors.

Gallery openings are often staid affairs that verge on the boring. This was not at all the case with Galerie Chez Mehdi. Under the eagle eye of the Culture Vulture Events Manager, Jessica Stephens, everything ran smoothly and on time. The street was blocked off and two Berber bands began a performance that went on for the duration.

Shihkat - the Amazigh group from Immouzer

The Tqiqia group from Fez drumming up a storm!

The view from atop one of the gorgeously caparisoned horses.

A tent was erected to provide tea and comfortable seating for those awaiting the cutting of the ribbon , but in the end it was the street itself that created the fiesta atmosphere with hundreds of guests, local onlookers and tourists packed in enjoying the spectacle. With drumming, ululating and blaring trumpets the scene was set for the arrival of the Pasha of Fez.

The Pasha arrives

Madame Ouafa, Mehdi Msefer and the Pasha

The gallery owner, Mehdi Msefer and his wife, Ouafa, mingled with the crowd meeting and greeting old friends and newcomers.

Mehdi Msefer with Helen Ranger and Madame Ouafa

One very nice touch in the opening ceremony was the sharing of the honour of cutting the ribbon. The Pasha of Fez made a half cut and then graciously handed the scissors to Mehdi Msefer who completed the task.

Sharing the honours

Once the ribbon was cut the huge crowd flocked into the gallery where cakes, drinks and tea were served.

If you would like to have a look inside the shop, visit this link: Galerie Mehdi

The View from Fez would like to thank Mehdi and Ouafa for their wonderful generosity.

Photographs: Sandy McCutcheon

(You can click on images to enlarge)


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