Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Flashback ~ Fez, one hundred years ago today

Back in 1911 the New York Times reported:

Fez Sacked by Tribesmen

Business people who arrived here today [April 19] from Tangier state said that the French column under Captain BrĂ©mond has sustained another collision with rebels. Doubt is expressed regarding the possibility of its arrival at Fez, which is now completely surrounded and in a desperate condition. Desertions continue from Captain BrĂ©mond’s column, although French soldiers were recently distributed among the troops. According to a semi-official communication published by the “Temps” last evening, news was transmitted from Fez by M. Gaillard, the French Consul, on April 13, stating that the Ouled-Djama had deserted the Sultan and the city was blockaded. An attack was made upon Fez-el-Djedid by the Beni-Mtir on the 12th, but it was repulsed.

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