Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Sound of Samaa - Tariqa Charqawiyya

Monday night's Sufi Festival offering from the Tariqa Khalwatiyya from Turkey was a hard act to follow. Yet the Moroccan Tariqa Charqawiyya gave a strong performance at the Batha Museum.

Although starting half an hour late, the audience was immediately captured by the vitality, energy and harmony from the Tariqa. This was no solemn session of chanting but rather a pouring out of high octane spiritual energy by a group totally engaged in what they were offering.

What was particularly gratifying was that once again the venue was packed and the audience included members of the Tariqa Khalwatiyya who were highly appreciative of the Moroccan samaa.

Also at the Batha Museum, The View from Fez discovered photographers Omar Chennafi, Paul Biehn and others, hard at work hanging a new exhibition. Hopefully we can discover the details when they stop work! in the meantime, we can say that it is certainly worth taking a look at.

Tomorrow at the Batha at 8.30 pm the Moroccan Tariqa Wazzaniyya.

Photographs and reportage: Sandy McCutcheon

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