Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Towards constitution reform in Morocco: Faouzi Skali

At the closing concert of the Fez Festival of Sufi Culture last Saturday, Festival Director Faouzi Skali read a prepared statement in support of constitutional reform. The statement declared that the Moroccan Al Karama Association for Islamic Culture & Civilisation called for the tenets of the Imarat Al-Mouminine (ie the Muslim nation) to be enshrined in the Constitution.

M Skali affirmed that the Al Karama Association (meaning dignity), which operates within the religious field, supports the stipulations of Article 19 of the Constitution, “the cornerstone of the functions of Imarat Al-Mouminine and the unity of the State, the people and the country” in relation to the current moves towards constitutional reform.

He also confirmed that the Association is insistent upon the constitutionalisation of the fundamentals of the Moroccan civic project that are dependant upon the historic and structural correlation between Imarat Al-Mouminine, the Maleki, the Achaarite doctrine and the tradition of Sufism based on the Qur’an and the Sunna.

Among the Association’s propositions, he continued, is the constitutional reference to Bei’a, or allegiance, which consists of a contractual engagement between Amir Al-Mouminine (the Commander of the Faithful, or HM the King) and the Moroccan people with all its components and institutions.

In the present climate of change it was notable that Faouzi Skali as President of the Association highlighted support for an important proposition: to enshrine in the Constitution the creation of a legally constituted State dedicated to the necessary structures and institutions to support the cultural roots of human rights within Moroccan society.

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