Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Weather in Fez ~ Lurching Towards Summer

The weather in Fez has been a mixed bag lately and that is likely to continue, at least in the short term. Although today is expected to be only partly cloudy and a warm 25 degrees Celsius, tomorrow will be cloudy. There is also a chance of a thunderstorm on Thursday. Temperatures will be cooler - 10 to 23 degrees.

For those wanting a little rain, Friday is your day (9 - 16 degrees) and there is a chance that Saturday will also be cloudy with a chance of rain.

Unfortunately the unsettled conditions will continue into next week. The long term outlook is for much cooler weather with lows of 7 and highs of between 15 and 18. Storms and rain is predicted for Monday and Tuesday.

And the good news? Well, the experts say that there is no chance of snow!  

1 comment:

  1. While in the UK we are having the driest spring for a long time, virtually no rain in two months and Easter temperatures up to 24 degrees C!
