Friday, August 12, 2011

Getting the most out of The View from Fez

Over the last few months The View from Fez has had a big increase in the number of regular readers and so for newcomers, here is a quick guide to getting the most from our site.


The first thing to remember is that the site is totally searchable. There are over 3000 stories on the blog and chances are the topic you are interested in has been covered.  Simply type a key word into the search box located at the top left of the page.

There is also a list of topics further down the blog on the left hand side.

If you can not find what you are looking for, please feel free to contact us via email. Our contact page link will give you more information and our email address.


We have special pages or collections of stories covering some general information about areas such as Moroccan Recipes, Suggested Reading and a collection of photographic essays. On our photo journal you will also find all the entries in our fifth birthday photo competition.  So no matter if your interest is in Berber bread making, a beginners' guide to buying Moroccan carpets or some glorious photographs of a traditional Moroccan wedding, you will find them here.


You can keep up to date with The View from Fez in a number of ways: During the last couple of months we started a Facebook page which hosts condensed versions of stories as well as weather forecasts and exchange rates. You can also follow us on Twitter.

 By clicking on the "follow" link at the top left of our blog's main page you can get email notification of new stories.


Thanks to the support of our sponsors we now have a great team of photographers and writers in Fez as well as correspondents around the country. Thanks are also due to our loyal readers. We have had almost two million visitors since we started and that number is growing steadily. This last year we recorded 675,330 visits. We are also pleased that our pages are being syndicated even more widely through our special relationship with Lonely Planet, and many other smaller sites.


  1. wauw Fez looks great! I really would like to go there.

    Follow us @ and we will follow you back!


    Hajar et Mounia

  2. Have a good day, Sir/Madam
    I am just link my travel website…

