Saturday, September 03, 2011

Street Art in the Fez Medina

Visitors to the Fez Medina often spend most of their time exploring only a couple of the main streets and while that can be a lot of fun, there is much more to be discovered if you leave the hussle and bustle of the tourist areas. Take a wander down to where the streets are quiet and  you will find another side of Fez and quite probably a few surprises. The View from Fez team did just this and discovered some beautiful street art in Laayoune and R'cif.
Who is the artist?

At the end of Ramadan in Fez, each of the neighbourhoods takes special pride in cleaning up the streets, washing the pavement and getting rid of every scrap of rubbish. In some places the locals have gone further, whitewashing the walls and decorating them. (Please click on images to enlarge)

We haven't managed to track the artists down yet, but hope to do so in the near future.

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