Monday, April 17, 2017

Date of Ramadan 2017 Announced

In Morocco, the holy month of Ramadan is expected to begin on Saturday, May 27, and the day before in France

According to increasingly precise astronomical calculations that have not been wrong in recent years, the observation of the lunar crescent should be done the day before on Friday May 26th in the southern half of the country while for the northern half it will depend on the degree of clarity of the sky.

Moroccans will be called to fast for a last time in Ramadan on June 24th, just before the full summer season and possibly suffocating heat.

Unfortunately this year again, the baccalaureate exams in Moroccan public education will take place during the sacred month of Ramadan, on the 6th and 7th of June, as well as the catch-up sessions scheduled during the same period due to the difficulties of concentration for candidates. Last year, the exams also took place in the middle of Ramadan. It is to be hoped that the weather will be mild and that scorching heat will not come have a detrimental effect on students.

Ramadan has little impact on tourists in Morocco. The main changes are in bank hours and the early closing of some shops so that the staff have time to get home and prepare their evening meal.

Food and drink (alcoholic or otherwise) is available throughout daylight hours in hotels and tourist restaurants. As a matter of respect, you should not walk in the streets eating or drinking and if you are in a shop, you should try not to smoke. In many ways, Ramadan is a good time to visit Morocco as it is less crowded and less busy and some hotels reduce their rates during Ramadan.

Following Ramadan is Ede, a three-day celebration. During this holiday it is more likely that shops (including the souks, but not restaurants) will be closed, and other services may be disrupted.


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