Friday, April 14, 2017

Fes Festival of Culinary Diplomacy

The Fes Festival of Culinary Diplomacy is set to return after the success of its previous edition. The event, which will take place from 27 to 30 April, will highlight the Moroccan gastronomic heritage with its three components: Arab-Andalusian, Amazigh and Judaic, at the crossroads of culinary traditions in three countries: France, Spain and Italy
Each dinner, prepared in cooperation with the representatives of each community, will be an opportunity to highlight the Arab-Andalusian, Amazigh and Hebrew traditions of Fez and Morocco. The main theme of these exchanges will be expressed by the journey of the great Ziryab, the founder of Andalusian music and the creator of a gourmet tradition still alive today. Hence the choice of the theme of this edition: "Culinary Diplomacy in the Mediterranean World".

Najat Kaanache

In this spirit, Moroccan chef Najat Kaanache will meet this year with personalities as diverse as Christian Têtedoie,  a French chef, Stefania Barzini, culinary leader and Italian journalist, Oliel Makhlouf, a Hebrew chef, and Fernando Pérez Fernández, a Spanish chef at the head of the "9 balcones" establishment in Huelva.

Dinner debates are organised each evening and preceded by an original, artistic and musical creation inspired by the Ziryâb repertoire. The public is also invited to film screenings, exhibitions and tastings of local products that will be held each day for free. Every day the public will be able to discover the artistic creation of the second edition of the Festival "La quête de Ziryâb"

In addition to the artistic performances and evenings (dinners-debates) organised during the Festival,  every day, a Mediterranean country and a Moroccan tradition will be honoured. The national and international chefs will be invited to make their market purchases in the Medina. Cooking workshops in public hotel training establishments will also be held under the supervision of renowned chefs.


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