Thursday, December 08, 2005

Senegalese army officers trained in Morocco

Morocco's contributions to its African neighbours don't often make the news, so it is good to report that their aid to Senegal has been recognised in a press statement by the Senegalese Military Attaché in Rabat, Colonel Oumar Niang.

According to Colonel Oumar Niang, Morocco has trained more than 1,000 Senegalese army officers trained in Morocco since 1969. Some 1,300 elements of different ranks of the Senegalese army and Gendarmerie (rural police), have been trained, since 1969, in Morocco. He said that Morocco was one of the "rare countries to provide free training" to his sub-Saharan African State.

"Since 1969, year of admission of the officer students' first promotion in the Royal Military Academy of Méknès, cooperation with Morocco has never been interrupted", Niang said.

"Morocco's assistance allowed Senegalese army to enhance significantly their operational availabilities during the past years", he added.


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Anonymous said...
