Sunday, February 12, 2006

Danish cartoon scandal - a blogger's view

Foulla in the blog Refusenik has a very balanced look at those dreadful Danish cartoons. It is worth a visit to her site to read her full post. Here is an excerpt:

This was a conscious and planned provocation by a right-wing Danish newspaper," said German Gunter Grass, the 1999 Nobel Prize. Grass described the Danish publishers of the caricatures as "xenophobic right-wing radicals" and the subsequent violent Muslim protests as "a fundamentalist response to a fundamentalist act". "Where does the west take that arrogance to impose what must and must not be done?" Grass asked, stressing the relativity of the freedom of opinion in the west where the media are controlled by conglomerates "monopolising the public opinion".

The same Danish daily publication turned down the cartoons of The Christ three years ago, on the grounds that they could be offensive to readers and were not funny .

READ THE FULL POST HERE: refusenik: The Danish cartoons: a conscious provocation

And on the lighter side, check out the Hindustani Times:


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