Monday, April 10, 2006

Moroccan News Briefs - #25

Moroccan News Briefs published in The View From Fez draw on open source material, contributions from readers, as well as material from Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP), Morocco Times and official Moroccan Government press releases.

  • Prize for Islamic Thought and Studies.

  • On Monday, King Mohammed VI (commander of the faithful) handed the Mohammed VI Prize for Islamic Thought and Studies to professors Hassan Benseddik and Said El Guerouani. The awards were handed during a religious ceremony chaired by the sovereign at Hassan II mosque on the occasion of Aid Al-Mawlid (prophet's birthday), celebrated on Tuesday in Morocco.

    Hassan Benseddik and Said El Guerouani were rewarded for their pertinent contribution in the field of Islamic thought and studies and their efforts in the Sharia teaching and predication.

    During the ceremony, Koranic verses and panegyrics of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) were read out, before the Al-Isha prayer.

    On the same occasion, the sovereign sent congratulations messages to Arab and Islamic leaders.

  • Spanish NGO donates a thousand books

  • In Rabat on Saturday the Spanish NGO Solidarios para el Desarrallo donated on Saturday a thousand books to the library of Hispanic and Portuguese Studies Institute (IEHL).

    IEHL conducts studies and research on the civilizations and cultures of Spain, Portugal, and Latin America.

    President of the Spanish NGO, José Carlos Garcia Fajardo, said Solidarios para el Desarrallo donation, made on the occasion of a visit of 54 Spanish students to Morocco, comprises books dealing with a wide range of issues.

    He said Spanish students' visit to the north African country will allow them to discover Moroccan culture and traditions and the links binding Rabat and Madrid.

  • Holiday tragedy in Kénitra

  • A man and a teenager died on Monday morning, at Al Idrissi hospital of the town of Kénitra (40 km northern Rabat), following the collapse on Sunday of the ceiling of the town's youth centre.

    Despite the quick intervention of physicians, the two persons perished, said a hospital official, adding that the injured, twenty-three children, will leave the hospital today, except for one person.

    The children were participating in an entertainment and training children's matinee in the youth centre part of the spring holiday camp organized by the State secretariat in charge of the youth. Some 18,000 Moroccan girls and boys attend spring camps organized by the Youth State Secretariat in cooperation with the National Children Camps Body.

    The 4th session of the national "holidays for all" program schedules many activities during the camps for 15 to 17-year olds, who belong to youth organisations and associations.

    The State secretariat closed the centre and said that an administrative and technical investigation commission will be dispatched to the centre to open a probe about the circumstances and the causes of the deadly incident.

  • Renewable energy boost for rural Morocco

  • Spanish international top ten photo-voltaic cell manufacturer, Isofoton, will install 34,500 solar cells in thirteen Moroccan provinces.

    Isofoton has recently won a call for tenders of the national electricity office (ONE) to provide electricity to several rural areas having difficulty to access the national electricity web. ONE project is part of a policy aiming at raising the rate of renewable energies in energetic production from 4 to 10% by 2012, and to increase the contribution of these energies to the satisfaction of electric demand

  • German tourist sentenced to six years

  • On Monday, Agadir's first instance court sentenced a German tourist to six months in prison and issued a fine of USD 1,100 for sexual harassment against a German minor.

    The incident dates back to March 31 when the 63-year old tourist attempted twice to incite the minor boy to sexual acts in Agadir.

    The victim's father had lodged a complaint against the accused, who confessed before the court that he is currently sued by the German justice for reprehensible acts, which has pushed the claimant to give up the trial.

  • Iran calls for closer ties with Morocco

  • The Iranian Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Mottaki (pictured left), has called for coordination and cooperation among Muslim states to neutralize assaults targeting Islam.

    Having received a copy of the credentials of Mohammad al-Wafa, the new Moroccan ambassador to Tehran, the Iranian foreign minister told the envoy that the Organization of the Islamic Conference can serve as a center to offer necessary guidelines for the member states in that connection.

    Mottaki called for expansion of Iran's ties with Morocco, saying Tehran sees no limits for ties and cooperation with Rabat. He said formation of joint political and economic commissions will help broaden the ties. He invited his Moroccan counterpart to pay an official visit to Tehran.

    Al-Wafa said his government is interested in having ties with Iran, which he termed as an "important state in the region." He called on Iran to share experience with Morocco in promotion of women's social status and role.

    Both states share common goals and can have stronger coordination and consultations to take common stances and tactics, he added.

  • Cartoon of the Day from the Morocco Times

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