Monday, April 17, 2006

Morocco's growing road toll

The statistics tell a grim story. In the last week in Morocco 14 people were killed in road accidents. But the death toll does not tell the full story. There were a further 939 others injured, including 61 suffering serious injuries, in 756 road accidents from April 3 to 9.

Driving breaches registered at a staggering 25,040 in the same week.

Authorities generally blame road accidents on speed, lack of respect for road and driving regulations and what the authorities term "pedestrians inadvertence".

Morocco needs to face up to the horrific cost in human and financial terms caused by the carnage on the roads. During the last ten years, road accidents increased at a yearly basis of 3%, and cost the State about USD 1.2 billion a year, that is 2.5% of the GDP.


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