Monday, May 14, 2007

Filming in the Fez Medina

Shooting continued today on a documentary series looking at the cuisine of the Mediteranean area. Today's filming will make up part of the final in the series and will concentrate on Turkey and Morocco.

The film crew are from Denham Productions in England and are shooting the series for the BBC. We understand that the first run on television will be in August with a repeat sometime in October/November.

The presenter, Rick Stein, prepares for the first shot.

As we posted earlier, Lahcen Beqqi was shown preparing Moroccan traditional dishes. Then, to our surprise the crew dropped in on The View from Fez and so another cooking session took place showing how foreigners living in the Medina have taken to cooking Moroccan style.

For this particular segment Sandy cooked his favourite Moroccan recipe - a tagine with turkey, preserved lemon and chermoula. A version of this can be found here: Three Moroccan Recipes.

Rick Stein & Sandy discussing chermoula variations.

For Rick, being the presenter of a show like this has certain risks attached to it. In this case having to eat the food! Fortunately for Sandy, the food was described as "delicious" and after filming the rest of the meal was sampled by the crew. No ill effects were reported!

Additional recipes:

Moroccan preserved lemons
Fish and preserved lemon tagine with chermoula

Photographs: Adam Scott Kennedy. (click on photos to enlarge)



Bronnie01 said...

Watch out Jamie Oliver !

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that people are going to learn more about Morocco. BBC goes worldwide! Good work!

Anonymous said...

We look forward to seeing the film. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Mabruk! Good for Morocco. Good for Fes.

Anonymous said...

Oh I cant wait to see it and finally see Fez through BBC-eyes!

Unknown said...

Is that Rick Stein? If it is we are in for a real treat,he is very good.

Anonymous said...

Is This blog moderaterated.
Do you Censor comments?

El Glaoui said...

Salaam anonymous.

We do not censor. But we do moderate the comments so as not to cause offense to our readers. You should have seen a notice when you posted.

On most days we will get many emails and a number of comments. Sadly some are Islamophobic are disrespectful of Morocco or the Prophet (PBUH). So we do avoid those. We also delete spam posts.

It is unfortunate but a blog that is read by thousands of people does attract a very small percentage of people who do not wish others well.

Anonymous said...

The best blog! Thank you for showing me things about my city that I had never seen. Keep the blog going strong.

