Friday, January 25, 2008

Polution in Fez - a young person's perspective

A recent posting on the American Language Centre blog gives a bleak picture of pollution in Fez, but it does indicate that young people are concerned - a very good sign that change will come. Here is the post by Fatima Zohra Karbach:

Nowadays, pollution has become environmental phenomenon which threat our life. So, what are the aspects of pollution in Fez?

As far as the area which I see is concerned, I can say that it endures many forms of pollution. To begin with, there are many dumps in Fez which spoil the beauty of my city.

In addition to theis, there are many factories surrounding Fez. Some are in Sidi Brahim, other are in Bensouda, Bab Ftouh… etc. As a result, these factories emit a lot of fumes whcih pollute the air and in turn harm people’s health especially children.

Moreover, all means of transportation add to the problem of air pollution particularly taxis and buses.

Since my city is known for handcraftk, those who work in the Medina to produce goods such as pottery, mosaic, silver products, use substance, chemical products, wheels to make their products dry in short time. I n doing so, they send out black smoke having a terrible smell and consequently make people suffocate.

Worst of all, is sewage which runs a long every small river in Fez and when it pours into Sbou River, it contaminates and makes it filthy.

In brief, what is happening in my city concerning pollution is a human shame and disgrace to its inhabitants. So, all of us are responsible for this catastrophe and all of us should put hand in hand to reduce the harm we cause to our city because we are in twenty first century and we are also in age of globalization.



Anonymous said...

Wow, that's seriously offputting! Is it really as bad as that? The writer makes it sound like Dickensian London.

The View From Fez said...

Except that Fez has had a sewerage scheme ( proper pipes etc) and reticulated water system for hundreds of years before Europe... where they still emptied their slops in the streets.

Anonymous said...

La pollution est réelle à Fès puisqu'elle est visible à l'oeil nu! Il suffit pour s'en convaincre d'aller surplomber la médina depuis le panorama hautement touristique des mérinides! Les potiers de bab ftouh font feu de tous bois! Et leur fumée dense et noire voile l'horizon et on ne peut plus voir le bou Iblane pourtant tout blanc de neige! Les autorités semblent fermer les yeux!

Aycha Baitaite

dust said...

Very interesting subject and a well written article. You have skills and there's no doubt about it.