Friday, March 14, 2008

Transport strike causes food shortages.

This week more than 1,000 lorries stopped transporting goods in several Moroccan cities during a four-day strike, causing shortages and price hikes for fruit and vegetables. Two lorry drivers were arrested in Sale near the capital Rabat on charges of disturbing the public order, according to the newspaper Annahar al- Maghribiya.

The strike was called by several leftist trade unions close to the opposition. It was opposed by a union close to the governing party Istiqlal, which mobilized more trucks for transport.

The strikers called for negotiations with the Transport Ministry, complaining of "repression" against transporters opposing stricter regulations on working hours, insurance payments and the like.

The strike was due to end today(Friday). Fortunately for the Fez Medina prices appear to have remained stable.


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