Friday, April 18, 2008

Author back in Fez.

The well known Australian author, Suzanna Clarke, is back in Morocco for a short visit. She was seen at the opening of the Sufi Festival last evening and (so rumour has it) at Cafe Clock, sampling the "eggs Florentine!

Suzanna Clarke - back in Fez.

Suzanna is well known around Fez for the renovation work on Riad Zany and her runaway best seller - A House in Fez. In Australia the hardback collectors' edition sold out in a matter of weeks. According to several local guest-house owners the book has resulted in an increase in visitors from Australia and New Zealand. They can expect a lot more visitors from among Ms Clarke's readers as the book is being released in the UK and Ireland next week and in the USA in November. At around the same time other translations of the work will be released - including an edition in Korean. It is hoped that French, German and Spanish publishers will also bring out editions in those languages.

Sold out!

Recently, a number of visitors staying at the Hotel Batha were keen to get copies and were searching bookshops in Fez, but sadly we have to report that, as of the moment, no distribution deal has been struck with Moroccan book importers.

When we spoke to Suzanna she had just got off the phone from a Radio Europe interview and was about to compile material for Condé Nast . Her job as the Arts Editor of a major Australian newspaper means that she can only stay a short time in Fez but has definite plans to return as soon as possible.

'Being in Fez is like coming home," Suzanna said. "It is great to meet up with all my Moroccan friends and the buzz of the Medina."

We wish Suzanna Clarke a great time on her short visit and hope she gets a break from the UK publicity machine which has been on her trail keen for interviews.


1 comment:

Girl Clumsy said...

Many congratulations to Suzanna - it truly is a marvellous book and deserves every success.

How lovely Fez must be at this time of year! I'm heading over to the UK in July, but unfortunately I don't have enough time for a quick jaunt to Morocco...

I will return one day though, hopefully with enough money to stay somewhere as lovely as Suzanna's!

Best wishes from Briz Vegas, Natalie.