Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Festival of Sufi Culture - Update

Monday afternoon turned out to be one of the festival highlights with an amazing performance by the Hamadcha and Aissawa brotherhoods. Frédéric Calmès and Nathalie Château-Artaud introduced the different sections of the ceremony by reflecting on the place of music as therapy. The Aissawa Brotherhood, like the Hamadcha, uses trance as part of its musical ritual. In the case of the Aissawiyyia this practice is dedicated to their founding saint, the celebrated Cheikh El Kamel, ‘the Perfect Master’. In the case of the Hamadcha, their saint is Sidi Ali ben Hamdush. Both brotherhoods have long used music as a method of curing disorders. According to research done by anthropologists the cure rate in the area of mental health surpasses western psychiatry!

The two brotherhoods performing together created an extraordinary atmosphere with great energy from Abderrahim Amarani Marrakchi, the leader of the Hamadcha and Mohssin Zemmouri at the head of the Aissawa.

Abderrahim Amarani Marrakchi

Two Hamadcha musicians prepare

Dar Batha was the venue and it was a wonderful setting though a little small for the large crowd that turned up to take part in the event. And take part they did - with the entire crowd on their feet entranced by the powerful rhythms and great music. It was an afternoon to remember.

A section of the crowd at Dar Batha

Frédéric Calmès

Nathalie Château-Artaud


Photo credits: Sandy McCutcheon


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