Friday, May 31, 2019

Forum: Today’s Islamic Feminisms: National and Transnational Perspectives - Programme

Modern Islamic feminisms seek equality in Muslim family laws and revisit the fiqh-based background of these laws from within Islam. These Feminisms appeared in the last two decades of the twentieth century and are developing quickly in the twenty-first century. National, transnational, individual-based and network-based, these feminisms constitute a genuine social movement and have resulted in knowledge-production and policy- based analyses. The Fez Ninth Mediterranean Women International Forum invites reflection on today’s overall status of Islamic feminisms by addressing four main axes: the Concepts of Islamic feminisms, challenges of Islamic feminisms, and Islamic feminisms in Diaspora.

International Forum: Today’s Islamic Feminisms: National and Transnational Perspectives
Dates : Venue:
7,8, & 9 June, 2019
Hôtel Les Mérinides, Fès
Dr Fatima Sadiqi, Director of the Forum
Ms Abir Ibourk (KAS), Director of Logistics
Ms Yousra Bettache (International Institute for Languages and Cultures)
Languages of the Forum: Arabic, French, English (simultaneous translation will be

Friday 7 June
9: 00 h Arrival and Registration
9: 30 h Opening Session: Welcoming speeches

Keynote Address: Feminism/s: A Fresh Look 10: 30: Reception

1st Session: Islamic Feminism: Ideology, Knowledge, Activism
Moderator: Moha ENNAJI, International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez
Margot BADRAN, Center for Muslim Christian Understanding, Georgetown University, USA
11: 00 h : (Equality between the Sexes: A Religious Perspective)
Driss FASSI FIHRI, Imam, University al-Qarawiyyin, Fez Sarah FARAG, University of Zurich, Switzerland
11: 30 h Islamic Feminism and Political Activism in Morocco
Moha ENNAJI, International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez
11: 45 h Discussion

2nd Session: Islamic Feminism: Cultural Politics and Decolonization Moderator: Sara FARAG, University of Zurich, Switzerland
15: 00 h Fatema Mernissi’s Transpositions of Difference: Tracking a Feminist Cultural Politics in Post-Colonial Morocco
Najib MOKHTARI, International University of Rabat
15:15h Moroccan Women and the State in the Wake of Reform Souad EDDOUADA, Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra
15: 30 h Islamic Feminism in Morocco: Towards a Decolonial Praxis Meriem El HAITAMI, International University of Rabat
15: 45 h Discussion 16h:15 Coffee Break

3rd Session: Islamic Feminism: Opportunities and Challenges Moderator: Lydia POTTS, University of Oldenburg, Germany
16 : 45 h Islamic Feminism in Morocco, the Inheritance Controversy and the Vivre Ensemble
Rajae RHOUNI, Chouaib Doukkali University, El Jadida
17: 00 h Islam and Human Rights: The Contribution of Tunisian Intellectuals and Activists in Feminizing the Discourse
Jumana AL-AHMAD, Wake Forest University, USA
17: 15 h
Islamic Feminist Icons in Morocco: The Case of Asmae Lamrabet
Mohammed YACHOULTI, Moulay Ismail University, Meknès 17 : 30h Discussion
11: 15h
Rethinking Feminist Interventions, Decolonising Gender

Saturday 8 June
4th Session: Islamic Feminism and Hermeneutics
Moderator: Mohamed MOUBTASSIME, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez
9: 00 h 9: 15 h 9: 30 h
9: 45 h 10:15 h
Women’s Ijtihad as a Strategy for Liberation Meryem YAFOUT, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Muslim Theology and the “closure of the gate of ijtihad”
Sadiq RDDAD, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez
Islamic Feminism and Reform in the Post Arab Spring: Beyond the Secular/Religious Debate
Rachid TOUHTOU, National School of Statistics and Applied Economics, Rabat
Discussion Coffee Break

5th Session: Islamic Feminism and the State
Moderator: Souad SLAOUI, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez
10 :45 h Féminisme Islamique, activisme et état en Algérie
Khaled MEHIZ, Activiste, Association Nationale De Volontariat, Algérie
11 : 00 h The Interplay Between the Politics of Religion, Gender and the Rhetoric of Political Liberalization: What Future for Islamic Feminisms in Morocco?
Souad SLAOUI, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez
11 : 15 h Discussion

6th Session: Islamic Feminism: A Transnational Social Movement? Moderator: Connie Carøe CHRISTIANSEN, Lebanese American University, Beirut
15:00 h Islamic Feminism – Perspectives from a Transnational Social Movement Approach
Connie Carøe CHRISTIANSEN, Lebanese American University, Beirut
15 : 15 h Distorted Citizenship: Egyptian Women Legal Identities within the Public-Private Paradigm
Sara ABDELGHANI, American University of Cairo, Egypt
15: 30 h The Potential Impact of Islamic Feminism on Advancing Gender Equality in Lebanon
Reem MAGHRIBI, Lebanese American University, Beirut
15: 45 The 2004 Moudawana Reforms: An Example of Islamic Feminism?
16:00h Discussion
16:30h Coffee Break
7th Session: Islamic Feminism and Activism
Moderator: Rajae RHOUNI, Chouaib Doukkali University, El Jadida
17:00 h
Le mouvement féministe et l’évolution des droits des femmes en Tunisie
17: 45h
Book Review: Activisme, Feminisme en Islam: Stemmen van Marokkaanse en Marokkaans-Nederlandse Vrouwen, edited by Marjo Buitelaar, Moha Ennaji, Fatima Sadiqi and Karen Vintges
Laura VAN DER TOORN, University of Amsterdam Roosmarjin van WOERDEN, University of Amsterdam
Fatima SADIQI,
Jinan AL IMAM,
Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences, Tunis
École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) de
National School of Statistics and Applied Economics,
International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez

17:15 h «Une révolution musulmane et féministe»: décolonisation,
action et politicisation
Malika HAMIDI,

17: 30h Moroccan Women Saints: on the Road to the West

Moroccan Dutch Women and Islamic Identity
18:15 h Discussion

Sunday 9 June
8th Session: Islamic Feminism in Europe
Moderator: Ulrike LINGEN-ALI, University of Oldenburg, Germany
9: 30 h Islamic Feminisms in Western Classrooms Lydia POTTS, University of Oldenburg, Germany
9: 45 h Feminism and ‘Islamic Feminism’ as Discussed in German Media Helma PASCH, University of Koln, Germany
10: 00 h Cross-cultural Interviewing of Islamic Feminists in Europe Touria KHANNOUS, Louisiana State University, USA
10: 15: Discussion
10: 45: Coffee Break
11: 15 h 11: 30 h
Female, Islamic, Different. Threshold Positions of Belonging and Polarizations in Current German Debates
Sylvia PRITSCH, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Gender, Islam and the Law in South Africa: The Feminist Struggles and Advocacy for Muslim Marriage Recognition
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South
11: 45: Discussion

9th Session:
Imagining the Intersectionality of Diasporas, Recognizing
Rhetorics of Difference and Dignity
Moderator: Sonya Maria JOHNSON, Beloit College, USA
12: 15 h Utilizing Performance as an Intersectional Response to Violence Against Women
Zoe FLOWERS, U.S.-based creator, Author, Filmmaker and Founder of Soul Requirements, Inc.
12 :30 h
Sonya Maria JOHNSON, Beloit College, USA
12 :45 h At the Intersection of Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Class: An Examination of a Chinese Woman’s Immigration in Early 20th Century United States
Beatrice MCKENZIE, Beloit College, USA
13: 00 h Protecting Black Girls From the School to Prison Pipeline: Movement Building for Culturally Specific Approaches in Prevention and Intervention
Aleese MOORE-ORBIH, Senior Director of Programs, Women of Color Network, Inc., USA
13:15 h Discussion
13: 45 h Recommendations and Closure
Moderator: Fatima SADIQI (Director of the Forum)

14: 15 h End of the Forum
16:00-18:00 Guided Tour to the Medina (Old city) and Ville Nouvelle (New City)
The Ancestors Make It Home: Palo Monte/Mayombe and the Making
of Social Place in Contemporary Cuba

21: 00: Farewell Party: Local Women’s Music

Organizing Committee


Book Exhibit: Librairie Mékouar - Fez Lefennec - Casablanca
Painting: Khadija MADANI ALAOUI, Tarik SADIK, Moha ENNAJI, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez
Exhibition of feminine products: Rajae SLAOUI-HAMMOUDA, Presidente, ESPOD, Association for the Promotion of small enterprises, Fez 


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Moroccan Mint Tea - the Chinese Connection

The consumption of mint tea is an essential tradition in the daily life of Moroccans. Serving green tea to guests is a sign of friendliness and a way to welcome them. But how did the tea become part of the customs and traditions of Moroccans? 

Few people know how and why tea arrived in Morocco, a country that does not produce it. Historically, tea appeared in China almost 5,000 years ago. Initially the preserve of noble or royal families, the consumption of tea has become widespread throughout the world over the centuries. Tea broke into the lives of Moroccans during the second half of the 19th century, during the Crimean War between 1853 and 1856 with the Russian Empire against a coalition of the Ottoman Empire. Other historians suggest that tea was introduced to Moroccan culture as early as the 12th century, and is often credited to ibn Battuta.

The peculiarity in Morocco is that, unlike the vast majority of Arab countries, which use black tea, Morocco consumes green tea which is more flavoured, most often with mint, or other medicinal plants. Moroccans consume a lot of green tea - a quarter of the Chinese tea exported in 2018. In figures, some 77,562 tons, or nearly a quarter of China's total exports of this commodity were imported. This places Morocco as a privileged customer of China, but also as a gateway to North Africa and West of many Chinese companies.

According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP), an English-language daily newspaper published in Hong Kong since 1903, Morocco currently has 5 packaging lines of the Chinese company Jinli Tea, the only one of its kind on the market in the area of ​​the North Africa. This company currently has a production capacity of 3,000 tons of tea annually, and totals 8.2 million dollars (79 million dirhams) of investments in the Kingdom since 2015.

How to make Moroccan mint tea
Chinese gunpowder green tea is preferred for making Moroccan tea. The "gunpowder" refers to the compression of the dried tea leaves into tiny pellets; the more compact, the better the quality. A slight sheen to the gunpowder tea is desirable as it indicates freshness.

A generous quantity of fresh spearmint leaves ( na'na in Moroccan Arabic) is essential to mint tea. Quite a few varieties of spearmint can be found in Morocco, depending on the region and time of year. While fresh spearmint is the most popular choice for mint tea, smaller quantities of dried peppermint leaves fresh, wormwood (sheba)  or fresh pennyroyal may also be used, resulting in tea with a more pungent aroma and flavour.

Moroccan tea is not exclusively flavoured with mint, however; other aromatic herbs such as sage, wormwood, lemon verbena, wild thyme, and wild geranium are also used.

1 tablespoon loose Chinese gunpowder green tea
5 cups boiling water
3 to 4 tablespoons sugar, or to taste
1 large bunch fresh mint
Put tea in teapot and pour in 1 cup boiling water, then swirl gently to warm pot and rinse tea. Strain out and discard water, reserving tea leaves in pot.
Add remaining 4 cups boiling water to tea and let steep 2 minutes. Stir in sugar (to taste) and mint sprigs and steep 3 to 4 minutes more. Serve in small heatproof glasses.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Waiting for the Cannon

Waiting for the cannon to break the Ramadan fast... a perfect Moroccan salad.


Schengen Visa Problems Cause Concerns for Moroccans

Médias24 reports on the problems for applicants seeking an appointment to file a French, Spanish or Italian Schengen visa application at the French TLS Contact or Spanish at BLS International, the organisations who manage the visas.

The result of the Medias24 investigation shows that no appointment was possible in summer to apply for a visa to Italy, and only some possibilities in late August or early September for France and a minimum of 6 months waiting for an application for a Spanish visa.

Moroccans who had planned to spend their holidays in one of these three countries during the months of June, July or August have no chance of arriving there if they do not already have their visas.

The management of both providers (TLS and BLS) refused to comment on the situation but according to close sources waiting times were now between 3 and 4 months (May to September).

Insufficient consular processing capacity is to blame.

It is the limited capacity of final processing of the consulates which is at the origin of the blockage. "In fact , the size of the TLS and BLS reception centres makes it possible to process many more requests than they currently do (double to triple).

"The real problem is that the French, Spanish and Italian consulates, which are the real decision-makers for the granting of visas, have limited human and material capacities that do not follow the demand and the reception possibilities of BLS and TLS" , says a source close to the subcontractors.

The consulates in question "regularly open slots of appointments allowing the applicants to obtain a date for an appointment any short".

Information verified by Medias24 states that consular services in Spain open each end of the month (the last was on April 30) for only an hour to distribute appointments to applicants on the long waiting list.

The France-Visas website invites applicants to complete a form, a necessary step before being granted an  appointment, between 9pm and 8 in the morning .

Candidates for Spanish visas try their luck at the French Consulate

According to a French diplomatic source, the lengthening of the deadlines for filing a French visa application is explained by the strong summer demand but also and especially by a growing number of Moroccans who want to spend their holidays in Spain.

"Knowing that it takes more than 6 months to get an appointment at BLS processing Spanish visa applications, applicants switch their demand to the French consulates.

"Considering that waiting times are too long and that they will not have their visa in time to spend a summer vacation in Spain, Moroccans therefore apply to TLS for a French Schengen visa that will allow to visit the Iberian neighbour.

"In this way, they take the place of other applicants by creating an overload of work to the French consular services and by penalising legitimate candidates". European legislation foresees that the persons having obtained a French visa and then used it for other European destinations, before a French one, will see their next application for a French visa refused.

A subcontractor like TLS receives 3,000 requests a day in Morocco and that this capacity reaches 3,300 in summer, and the consular services (French especially but also Italian) do not want to adapt to the increase in Moroccan demand.

In the end, despite the change in December last, in the French visa application procedure, which was supposed to simplify procedures, the situation has not changed and it seems to have worsened since last February when waiting times for an appointment took 40 to 60 days against at least three months today.

Without a short-term solution, Moroccans will have to wait until the summer of 2020 to spend their holidays in Europe provided that they find a way to apply for a visa now.

Moroccan Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Mounia Boucetta

Moroccan Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Mounia Boucetta said on Monday that the government will "meet soon in Rabat with a commission of the European Union to examine a set of problems related to the issuance of visas." She said that the executive is "closely following this issue and in particular the issue of appointments that pose a problem to citizens."

The problems with issuing visas was raised during the oral questioning session of the House of Representatives on Monday. Lahcen Haddad, today member of the Istiqlal party and former Minister of Tourism under the colours of the People's Movement, expressed his concerns about it. "At the same time, European citizens enter the national territory without a visa," he says.

On May 9, Medias24 reported that in the face of the influx of meeting requests for tourist visa applications as the summer holidays approach, the consulates' computer systems were saturated, making it impossible to lodge a request. According to the sources of the information website, "the responsibility lies with European consular services that do not mobilise sufficient human and material resources to process applications."

"The real problem is that the French, Spanish and Italian consulates, which are the real decision-makers for the granting of visas, have limited human and material capacities that do not keep up with the demand and the possibilities of reception of BLS and TLS"


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Forum on Islamic feminism in Fez

An international forum will be held in Fes (Morocco) on the theme "Today’s Islamic Feminisms: National and Transnational Perspectives" on June 7th, 8th and 9th, 2019

Idea: Modern Islamic feminisms seek equality in Muslim family laws and revisit the fiqh-based background of these laws from within Islam. National, transnational, individual-based, and network-based, these feminisms are attracting increasing attention among students and academics and carry promise for further research. The Forum will reflect on today’s overall status of Islamic feminism and the current conversations in the field.

Director of the Forum: Fatima Sadiqi (
For more information and registration, please contact:


Sunday, May 12, 2019

Cultures Combine in the Fez Medina

Philippe and Anan's new boutique 

A new addition to Fez's Ta'laa Kbira has enhanced the creative vibe of the popular street. 
Anan Sorsutham and Philip Laleu's new boutique, Moi Anan, offers a unique style to visitors and locals

In 2014, Anan and Philippe founded the popular Maison Moi Anan Thai restaurant in the Fes Medina. "We used to have the clothing shop on the first floor of the restaurant, and then we decided to open here," says Philippe. "We chose this area because you have other (similar) shops - Christophe doing recycled stuff, and Salima, who is also a designer.  We thought it would be interesting to have several designers in the same area, to encourage this area to be a fashion place."

Moi Anan boutique is minimalist grey, like the restaurant. "Grey is a very cinematic colour," says Anan. "The background is grey, so the occasional colour pops out."

Anan has long been a fashion designer, with a particular flair for intricate tailoring. "Now we focus on Moroccan inspiration," he says. He particularly likes the way Moroccans drape themselves, "in a mysterious's about volume; wrapping the whole body."

While Moroccan free-flowing forms and precise Thai tailoring would appear to be the antithesis of each other, Anan manages to pull off the unusual combination. Many of his creations have fabric draped in specific sections, such as at the back, with space in the arms to move around, yet the rest of the garment hugs the body. "I pick and combine (elements of both cultures), and it (the result) belongs to me."

"I like King Mohamed V's way of thinking," explains Anan. "He travels to Europe, sees the architecture; sees the design. When he comes back, he wants to combine (the best) of other cultures, but still retain the Moroccan character."

When Anan was living in Bangkok, he had a factory producing his designs and worked on a much larger scale, up to a year ahead. Now he prefers to work on a smaller scale, befitting the artisan approach of his home in the Fez Medina. His creations are limited to 3 - 5 pieces per design, with styling dependent on the fabrics he finds.

"I totally like this style; this way of creating," he says. "I don't follow the business. I follow only me."

Moi Anan boutique can be found on the right before the carpark on the Ta'laa Kbira, Fez Medina. For more information about Moi Anan boutique and Maison Moi Anan restaurant, CLICK HERE

Anan Sorsutham displays one of his garments


Friday, May 10, 2019

The Ramadan Heat is On - Morocco Expects Heatwave

Another hot spell for Ramadan! With temperatures in Fez expected to reach 38 Celsius on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, the Directorate of National Meteorology (DMN) has announced that a heat wave is likely to hit a number of Moroccan cities from Saturday May 11 through Monday, May 13

Cities will see a rise in temperature of up to 44 degree celsius in the provinces of Boujdour, Laayoune and Essmara in Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra region, and up to 45 degrees in Aousserd and Oued-Eddahab provinces in Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region.

Some cities will experience somewhat milder weather conditions on Sunday and Monday. The temperature will oscillate between 38 and 42 in cities in northern and western Morocco, namely Larache, Ouezzane, Meknes, Kenitra, Sidi Kacem, Sidi Slimane, Rabat, Sale, Skhirat-Temara, Khemisset, Ben Slimane, Berrechid, Settat, Khouribga, Fquih-Bensaleh, Beni-Mellal, Sidi Bennour, Rehamna, Kelaa-Sraghna, Marrakech, and Youssoufia.

Temperature will not exceed 42 in southern provinces and in cities like Chichaoua, Taroudant, Inezgane-Ait Melloul, Chtouka Ait-Baha, Tiznit, Safi, Essaouira, Sidi Ifni, Guelmim, and Tantan.

High temperatures will persist until Tuesday in cities sitting in the northern interior plains while strong winds, with a speed between 75 and 85 kilometers per hour, will sweep through the Fahs-Anjra province and Tangier and Assilah cities in the Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region.


Unusual Reforms in Saudi Arabia During Ramadan

Saudi Arabia Tells Mosques to Lower Call to Prayer and Causes Controversy

Days before the holy month of Ramadan, the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs has given instructions to lower the sound of the Muslim call to prayer, (adhan) because of complaints from people who live near mosques who said that it disturbs them.

In a video posted on Twitter by the ministry, Minister of Islamic Affairs Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz Al Ash-Shaikh said that the call to prayer is an obligation but not at the expenses of others.

Al Ash-Shaikh explained that lowering mosques’ loudspeakers is important so they will not overlap with nearby mosques’ loudspeakers. He said, “It is causing confusion to the worshipers and residents of the nearby neighbourhood to the mosque, and loses its prestige and spirituality.”

Many Saudis agreed with the ministry’s decision and called for the government to impose fines on mosques that did not respect the guideline.

Others opposed to the ministry’s arrangement argue that the adhan should be loud, especially during Ramadan, saying it gives them spiritual comfort.

The ministry has also given instructions to “set the sound level to four because of mosques’ proximity to each other, in order to prevent disturbance and interference with other adhans, which disrupts worshipers in other mosques.”

Surprise! Shisha is back!

In its first session of Ramadan, on May 6, the Consultative Assembly of Saudi Arabia, or the Shura Council, approved the provision of Shisha products in the restaurants and cafes of Saudi cities, “according to specific regulations,” reported the Saudi newspaper Ajel (

The provisions were conditioned by the imposition of an up to 100% high tax rate on the suppliers.

The product is banned for individuals under the age of 18.

The decision appears to be in accordance with the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030 reform plan. The plan calls for opening the Saudi kingdom to the world.

Saudi Arabia has recently allowed women to drive and lifted the ban on cinemas and artistic festivals.

However, the proposal does not make reference to the ban of “shisha” in public places imposed a few years ago in Saudi Arabia.


Thursday, May 09, 2019

Concert Monday - Yale University A Capella Group

Yale University’s Mixed Company in Concert! 9:45 PM on Monday, May 13ALIF Villa Residence, 28 Rue Mohammed Diouri, Fes

MIXED COMPANY is an undergraduate a cappella group from Yale University that has thrilled audiences across five continents with its exciting performances and intricate harmony. The group's diverse repertoire unites all genres of music, including R&B, jazz, rock, pop, musical theatre, oldies, traditional Yale songs, and everything in between!

This concert, organised by the ALC-ALIF Music Club, is free and open to the general public.


Monday, May 06, 2019

Determining the Start of Ramadan in Morocco

Morocco is among the Muslim countries that rely on a local sighting of the moon by special committees, in line with the hadith of the prophet : “Fast when you see the crescent and break the fast when you see it; if it is not apparent, then make the month of Sha’ban thirty days.” 

Muslims fast to fulfil the second essential pillar of Islam after the profession of faith (shahadah), prayer (salah), charity (zakaat), and pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj).In Morocco, Ramadan will most likely start on Tuesday, May 7th.

Another way of determining the beginning of Ramadan is through astronomical calculations. Ramadan starts when the crescent technically exists, though it may not have been sighted.

The start of Ramadan in Morocco is officially based on the observation method, though astronomers also provide an estimate of the date.

Several countries announced the first day of Ramadan on Monday instead of Tuesday, including Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia’s moon observations have been criticized.

Adnan Qadi, a Saudi astronomer, argued that 87% of Saudi Arabia’s moon observation between 1961 and 2004 were inaccurate. In 63% of the cases, it was actually impossible to observe the moon on the day Saudi Arabia claimed to have observed it.

The astronomer found that in 29 of 46 cases, while Saudi Arabia had declared sighting the moon, it was in fact scientifically impossible to observe that day. The “sighting” was before the first lunar phase had occurred, or the moon was technically impossible to see.

Mohammed Shawkat Awda, an Emirati astronomer, observed in contrast that Morocco and Oman registered “not even one error” in their astronomical calculations from the year 1984 to 2007.

The different start dates of Ramadan can cause divisions within the Muslim community. Some people believe that regardless of geographical location, Ramadan starts when announced by Saudi Arabia.

While Ramadan does bring people together, it also causes some tension in relation to when exactly it begins.


Saturday, May 04, 2019

Interior Photography Workshop in Fez

Interior Photography Sunday, May 5 at 10:30 AM Meet in front the Batha Fountain

The ALC-ALIF Photography Club Interior Photography workshop.

ALC–ALIF Photography Club
Omar Chennafi
GSM: 0659661502


Ramadan in Morocco - the Basics

Ramadan celebrates the month that the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed. Mohammed was near Mecca when the angel Gabriel revealed the verses of the Qur’an to him. This revelation took place during the 9th month of the Islamic calendar.

This month is deemed the most holy month of the year. During this time, Muslims all over the world join in a period of fasting as an act of intensive worship to Allah. The Qur’an requires that during Ramadan nothing must pass the lips from sunrise to sunset. This includes both food and water. Those who suffer from illness, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and children are all exempt from participating in Ramadan, but are encouraged to make it up later.

Children under age 16 are not required to participate in the fast. As children grow up and learn more about their religion, they often choose for themselves when they want to begin fasting. Some parents will teach their children about the fast by letting them fast for a few hours a day to understand the practice. Children often choose their first day to fast on “The Night of Power”. “The Night of Power” is a special night of prayer and is usually the 27th night of Ramadan in the Moroccan culture.

For the the holy month of Ramadan, Morocco will return to GMT legal time on Sunday, May 05 at 03:00. After the month of Ramadan, the legal time must be advanced 60 minutes Sunday, June 09, 2019 at 02:00.

Based on the lunar calendar, the dates lose 11 days a year (12 in a leap year) and for 2019 Ramadan runs from 5th May - 4th June.

During this time Muslims will fast during daylight hours. The fast is broken after sunset with a meal of sweets and dates. Non-tourist eating places tend to be closed until dusk.

Tourists who are not Muslims are not expected to observe the fast, but should respect local customs - be discreet if consuming food or water during the day and avoid smoking in public places.

As every year, working hours in public administrations and local authorities will change during the holy month of Ramadan. The new schedule will be continuous from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Museums and sights may close early to allow people to return to their homes to break the fast at dusk and non-tourist eating places tend to be closed until dusk. Many shops open later in the mornings - at about 9.30am - and might close earlier than normal.

There may be extra restrictions on the sale of alcohol in restaurants and hotels.