Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Morocco charges Peretz with war crimes

Israel's defense minister, Amir Peretz, might soon face another challenge in addition to the wars in Gaza and Lebanon. This week, a team of three Morrocan lawyers filed a lawsuit against Peretz for war crimes.

The lawsuit charges Peretz with a long series of crimes, including the destruction of communication sites, undermining general health and the environment, deliberate attacks on women and children, and crimes against humanity.

The lawyers claim Peretz, who still holds Moroccan citizenship after emigrating to Israel in 1956, is subject to Morrocan law. The team may ask Interpol to aid in bringing Peretz to justice in Morroco. Because most of Israel's population is a mixture of immigrants, many from Arab states, this move could set a precedent for more war crimes lawsuits against Israelis with dual citizenship.


1 comment:

Di Mackey said...

An interesting news item :)