Monday, April 18, 2011

Dartmouth College Students in Fez

Students with David Amster
The View from Fez had the good fortune to catch up with a group of students from Dartmouth College in the USA, studying at the Arabic Language Institute in Fez. There are 11 students in the programme which, by all accounts seems to be an intense cultural immersion.

The students are staying with Moroccan families and learning Darija (the local dialect), rather than standard Arabic. Today a group of them took a crash course in "conservation renovation" with restoration expert David Amster, who reported that their language skills were remarkable.

You can keep up with their adventures on their blog "Life in Fez"

Meanwhile, from Grimsby in the Uk...

Students from Caistor Grammar have been soaking up the culture of North Africa on a visit to Morocco.

Forty students and four staff went on the week-long geography field trip, where they explored the cities of Marrakesh and Ouarzazate, via the High Atlas Mountains.
Organised by director of humanities Nick Robinson, the trip gave students from Years 10, 12 and 13 experience of a hot arid environment, migration, tourism and life in a less economically developed country – all of which will contribute towards their GCSE and A level examinations.
He said: "We learnt so much about the landscape and culture of Morocco. It was a superb trip to a fantastic country with a great group of students."
It also allowed the teenagers to gain experience of a different culture and way of life that is very different from that of the UK's.
During their stay in Marrakesh the group experienced the souks in the Jemaa el Fna square where traditional products could be purchased by bartering with the locals.
The students also travelled through the High Atlas Mountains along the Tizi-n-Ticka pass, which summits at 2,260 metres and provides spectacular views of the mountain range.
After studying the origin of the Atlas Mountains, the group visited the World Heritage site of Alt Benhaddou near Ouarzazate in south east Morocco.
To top off the trip, the party was invited to visit the local Arab community of Douar Elgern in the heart of the Marrakesh plain, where they sampled a day in the life of the local residents.
Sixth form student Chris Hoare said: "The trip provided a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will remain with both staff and students for the rest of our lives."

1 comment:

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