Friday, March 31, 2017

Fes Festival Program Update

The 23rd Fes Festival of World Sacred Music takes place between the 12th and 20th of May. This year's theme is Water and the Sacred

We have made from water every living thing. Surah 21, verse 30

The full Festival Programme is now available HERE


French Jazz in Fez


Tuesday, April 4th at 19h, Hotel Sahrai

On tour in Morocco, the Parisian trio 90 ° brings with it all the ingredients for a journey through time. The programme is a fine mix of cover songs, French music, and the compositions of the trio, tinged with jazz and classical music. Gainsbourg, Chopin, Prévert, Ravel, Ferré ... all delivered with a fresh and lyrical perspective.

JAZZ 90 °
Alexis Pivot, keyboards, Etienne Renard, Double bass and Clément Brajtman, Drums

Clément Brajtman, Drums, Etienne Renard, Double bass andxAlexis Pivot, keyboards

The Fez performance is presented In partnership with the Hotel Sahrai 

Also on tour in the French Institutes of Casablanca, Marrakech and Tetouan.


Moroccan Fuel Prices to Drop in April

Good news for locals and visitors alike - fuel prices are expected to fall sharply from the 1st of next month. And, no, it's not an April Fool joke! Fuel prices are expected to show the biggest decline in the last two years

Prices are expected to fall by an average of 33 cents for diesel, while petrol drops 17 cents per litre.

According to L'Economiste diesel consumption dominates with 83% share of the market. Since the closure of the Samir refinery, Morocco has been importing refined products. The current price of gas oil is about $ 450 a barrel, substantially the same as petrol. It is the taxes that make the difference to the consumer: about 3 dirhams per litre for diesel and 4 dirhams for petrol.

In order to fix the price of fuels in force for a fortnight, distributors rely on a calculation formula composed of 95% of the average of the international quotations and the dollar. After that the average of the quotations must be multiplied by the average of the dollar. "Whenever there is a decline in oil prices, it is passed on to consumers. It is also valid in the event of an increase," says Adil Ziady, president of the Petroleum Grouping of Morocco (GOC). To guard against fluctuations in the dollar, some companies are hedging. The objective is not to be taken short in case of a sharp rise in the US currency between the time of purchase and payment, which occurs 30 days after delivery.

Since the abolition of the former subsidy, fuel prices have been free. They are in principle determined according to the cost structure of each company. The oil companies advise their trading network of price levels to remain competitive. But they are not obliged to apply them to the nearest cent. Moreover, the Law on Freedom of Prices and Competition prohibits the formation of cartels and price fixing.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Moroccan Photo of the Day ~ Dick Hooper

A wonderful action shot by Dick Hooper of Sadek El-Bahjaoui training a horse (named Chenel) at the American Fondouk in Fez.

The Fondouk is a charity that provides valuable veterinary assistance for the working horses, mules and donkeys of the Fez Medina as well as advice for their owners. It has been doing great work since it was founded in 1927. Read more about the Fondouk here - American Fondouk

See more in our series Photo of the Day 

The View from Fez welcomes contributions to our Photo of the Day Series


Writers Assist the Medina Children's Library

This week the Medina Children's Library received a generous donation from the participants in this year's Deep Travel Writing Workshop

The View from Fez headquarters at Riad Zany was the venue for the fundraising dinner on Wednesday night. Among the 25 guests were Deep Travel organisers, Christina Ammon and Anna Elkins, photographer, Omar Chennafi, and renowned travel writer, Tim Cahill.

The evening included the launch of a superb new anthology and readings from writers represented in the book, Vignettes & Postcards From Morocco, edited by Erin Byrne. Erin was unable to attend this years workshops but was present as a cardboard cut out of her face!

Suzanna Clarke, Christina Ammon, ( rin Byrne), Tim Cahill, Sandy McCutcheon, Anna Elkins

The feast, cooked up by Rachida El Jokh and her mother, included salads, lamb with apricots, chicken with preserved lemon and a kiwifruit, mint and strawberry yogurt dessert - delicious.

The money raised goes towards supporting the Medina Children's Library, which provides a child-friendly space with hundreds of books, storytelling and art workshops and receives a thousand visits from Medina children every month.

Our thanks to organiser and chef, Rachida El Jokh


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Moroccan Photo of the Day ~ A Box of Cats

Walking the Fez Medina this morning, photographer Suzanna Clarke came across what she described as "pre-packaged cats"

See more in our series Photo of the Day 

The View from Fez welcomes contributions to our Photo of the Day Series


Morocco's Push For English Gains Ground

On March 17, the Ministry of Handicrafts, Social Economy and Solidarity launched an English training program for trainees or graduates from handicrafts institutions in Fez. The move comes as part of a larger movement across the Kingdom to raise the status of English as a language essential to development and tourism

The struggle to spread the use of English has been going on for the last few years. Back in November 2016 the Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Rachid Belmokhtar, declared that the Ministry has taken serious procedures to expand and improve the use of the English language among students in the Moroccan Kingdom.

At the time Belmokhtar revealed that, in response and accordance with the reform project called for by King Mohammed VI, the Ministry of Education has adopted new approaches and methods to expand and improve the comprehension of school pupils in the country’s newly adopted second foreign language of English. “We’ve tried to encourage the creation of English clubs in all high-schools to encourage students to be able to speak it,” Belmokhtar said.

The move towards promoting English has recieved support, not only within Morocco, but also from abroad. Prominent Kuwaiti businessman and Muslim scholar Tariq Al-Suwaidan has been quoted as saying publicly, “French language is useless and a waste of time.”

Muslim scholar Tariq Al-Suwaidan 

Al-Suwaidan went on to say, “I am serious, French is not the language of tourism, science and civilisation. France is a backward country in terms of administration.” He pointed out that...“Today, the language of science is English – keep it in your minds. I see proof that Arabic was the historic language of science, however, the current [leading] language of science and tourism is English,” noting that “80% of scientific researches in every field are released [and conducted] in English and the 20% of [researches are conducted] in other different languages.”

“French ranks as the 16th most widely spoken language. So, it is useless in the fields of tourism, science and civilisation,” he said.“I think, according to your history and the dominance of the francophone [culture], which you have to get rid of it – you are still attached to French [language]. We need to break this barrier, because it is useless. [Please] pay to attention to this and learn English.”

Over the past years, the issue of English has become controversial, but, according to a 2015 survey, conducted by news website Hespress, 85.98% of Moroccans want to replace French with English as the country’s first foreign language.

300 Artisans will gain increased proficiency in English 

Morocco World News reports that the new project for artisans is part of a partnership agreement between the ministry, the American Embassy, and the American Language Center to provide beneficiaries with tools to communicate with tourists and improve the sale of their products.

More than 300 artisans in the Msala and Aouinat Hajjaj handicraft institutions will benefit from this program, which will be assisted by the University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah  and the handicraft chamber of the Fez and Meknes region.

“The program aims to empower young trainees with various tools including communication, to enable them integrate in the labor market and to develop this sector which is considered one of the pillars of the national economy,” said Fatema Marouane, the head minister.

The American Language Center in Fez is a major partner in the program

The program, launched in the presence of the Wali of Fez-Meknes region, Said Zniber, and the representatives of all partners of the program, will comprise 36 hours of educational activities which might be expanded, along with certificates to be given to the beneficiaries by the ALC.


Monday, March 20, 2017

The View From Fez - 4 Million Visitors!

On Monday, March the 20th, 2017, The View From Fez reached a milestone of 4 million visitors!

Since our first story back on October 24th 2005 The View From Fez has posted more than 5,200 stories about Fez and Morocco. Over that time we have had contributions from many talented photographers, writers, artists and journalists - to them: our thanks!

While our stories are read in over 100 countries, the top 10 contains only one surprise - the growing interest from Russia. Also growing in importance, though not yet in the top 10, is China, which provides a growing number of visitors.

Since we started analysing our numbers with Google Analytics, our 4 million visitors have contributed to more than 5,524,159 page views and around 30% are regular visitors. For those who enjoy statistics, 30% of our visitors are aged between 25 and 24, with 45% being female and 55% male.

All our posts are searchable, which has resulted in some pages being particularly popular. Top among them are: Moroccan Recipes (125,000 visits), Beginners Guide to Moroccan Carpets ( 116,000 visits) and Basic Facts about Morocco (66,000 visits).

One of the great pleasures of working on the blog is the interaction with local artisans and artists as well as having become a Media Partner with the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music as well as the Fes Festival of Amazigh Culture.

We would like to thank our sponsors who, year after year, have allowed The View From Fez to contribute to our local community through such things as paying for surgery for a young female burns victim, the Girls Home in Ziat and the Medina Children's Library. In addition we were able to take the Hamadcha Sufi Brotherhood to Australia for two major Festivals; Woodford and the Sydney Festival in 2015.

The Hamadcha performing in Australia

The View From Fez would not be possible without the hard work of photo-journalist, Suzanna Clarke, who not only contributes to the blog but also assists in answering the floods of emails!

Finally, a big thank you to our readers and our local community here in Fez.


Saturday, March 18, 2017

King names Saad Eddine El Othmani New PM

After months of failure to form a new government, Benkirane is gone and Morocco has a new Prime Minister.  On Friday HM King Mohammed VI appointed Saad Eddine El Othmani of the Justice and Development Party (PJD) as head of government and instructed him to form the new government
"The Ministry of the Royal House, Protocol and Chancellery announces that His Majesty King Mohammed VI received Friday 18 Joumada II 1438 of the Hegira, corresponding to 17 March 2017 at the Royal Palace in Casablanca, Mr Saad Eddine El Othmani, of the Justice and Development Party (PJD), whom the Sovereign has appointed as Head of Government in accordance with The Constitution and instructed him to form the new government" - communiqué from the Ministry of the Royal House, Protocol and Chancellery
Saad Eddine Othmani served as Minister of Foreign Affairs in Abdelilah Benkirane’s first government between January 2012 and October 2013 and is seen as less "hot headed" than his predecessor, Benkirane. Morocco World News reports that Othmani is known for his wisdom and tendency to measure his words before making any public statement. He is also known to be a man of consensus, preferring dialogue to confrontation.

Many think that Othmani, who is the party’s second influential member after Benkirane, has the best profile to break the deadlocked negotiations to form a new coalition government.

Abdelilah Benkirane has welcomed that the King’s decision

For his part, Abdelilah Benkirane has welcomed that the King’s decision to dismiss him of his duties after five months of unfruitful negotiations with different political parties that resulted in a tenacious deadlock, adding that while it did in fact affect the party, the PJD was “proud of its journey” and its efforts in leading the country.

Saad Eddine Othmani

Saad Eddine Othmani is an Amazigh (Berber) Moroccan politician and psychiatrist. He was born in 1956 in Inezgane, near Agadir, in the Souss region. He obtained a Doctorate in Medicine from Hassan II University of Casablanca in 1986, and in psychiatry in 1994. He also earned Master and DEA degrees in Islamic studies in 1983, 1987 and 1999. He has written numerous books on psychology and Islamic law, and worked as the editor-in-chief of many magazines and publications. In 2004, after the withdrawal from politics of Abdelkrim Alkhatib, Saadeddine Othmani became the head of the Justice and Development Party (PJD).

While his appointment is generally accepted as a positive move towards resolving the failure to form a government, he has a long way to go to convince many Moroccans. In Fez, the word on the street is less than positive about Othmani. Much of negative talk, however, is more a reflection of the public's disillusionment with politicians in general than Othmani in particular. Time will tell if he can gain the confidence of the people.


Friday, March 17, 2017

The Private Life of Insects - Movie and Concert in Fez

On Tuesday, March 21 at 19h, Dar Batha, as part of the France-Morocco Cultural Season 2017, FICAM presents a concert movie with Laurent Marode on piano and Nicholas Thomas, vibraphone - The Private Life of Insects

Using a seamless combination of animation and real life, the insect world comes to life in this award-winning series of French animated shorts exploring all things insects and bugs. Note: it is a family show, for children aged 3/4 years.

In a sunny clearing, the small world of insects going about their daily business -that is until an entomologist arrives in search of specimens to take back to his lab. With the help of a mysterious machine he capture insects and locks them in his lair. But heroic a ladybug will do everything to free the unfortunate trapped critters ... On an original musical creation of the duo Laurent Marode (piano) and Nicholas Thomas (vibraphone) that revisits the brutal, burlesque and poetic world of tiny insects!


Equid Opening - a Great Success

Thursday night's opening of the works by Australian artist Natalie Scholtz was held at the American Language Center Riad at Batha in Fez

The exhibition opening was well attended by a wide cross section of visitors and locals. Amongst them His Excellency François-Xavier Tilliette, the French Consul General, the highly respected Caida of Batha, Mme Ilham, Police Colonel Abdullah, Dr Gigi Kay from the American Fondouk and M. El Cohen chef des scouts de Fez.

Dr Gigi Kay (American Fondouk) chats with François-Xavier Tilliette and Caida Mme Ilham

Natalie Scholtz is a visual artist from Western Australia. As a drawer and painter Scholtz depicts the gesture and emotion of objects in her immediate environment. Scholtz's works range between bold and colourful representation of form, to subtle suggestions of shape through sketchy line.

Natalie Scholtz was thrilled by the exhibition reception

Special mention should be made of Natalie's artist residency at the American Fondouk, the free animal hospital in Fez, which was made possible due to the generous sponsorship of the American Fondouk, ALIF, and the American Language Centre in Fez. The Fondouk also contributed a unique publicity event for the opening - stationing donkeys and mules at various points of the Medina with signs advertising the exhibition - a nice touch!

It pays to advertise!

From the last week of January through February 2017 Natalie was given the opportunity to paint, draw and document the work, ethics, and equids of the American Fondouk and broader Fez community. The full-time work that goes on behind the closed doors of the Fondouk, is one of restoration and the nurturing of life. Scholtz explores the physicality of the working horses, mules and donkeys. The angular and sometimes fragmented character of the working animals from Fez tells a story of livelihood, community and culture. Scholtz enjoyed making aggressive charcoal lines that follow the strong skeletal shapes of mules and playing with sandstone colours found in both the coat of a horse and walls of the Medina.

The work on display in the exhibition was as varied as it was excellent. Depicting horses, donkeys and mules in postures of work and relaxation, the works on paper in water colour and acrylic paint showed their angular forms, expressions and personalities. Some of the works were more traditional in their use of colour and style, while in others a multitude of colours had been used, giving a more impressionistic feel. One of the paintings had mules and donkeys amid a jumble of traditional buildings, and gave a sense of the organised chaos of Medina life.

The Study of the Equid Exhibition continues at the ALIF Riad, 6 Derb Drissi, Batha, Fez Medina, daily (4-6pm) through until March 26th. It is highly recommended.


Daylight Saving in Morocco - March 26

Clocks in Morocco Morocco move forward by 60 minutes (GMT + 1), Sunday 26 March 2017 at 2:00 a.m.

The legal hour in Morocco will be advanced by 60 minutes (GMT + 1), Sunday 26 March 2017 at 2:00 am. This was announced on Thursday by the Ministry of Public Service and Modernisation of the Administration.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Gnaoua Festival Spreads its Wings

As part of the festivities marking the 20th edition of the Essaouira Gnaoua and World Music Festival, to be held in Essaouira from June 29 - July 1, the major Gnaoua maalems (leaders) are setting out to conquer American and French audiences

The Gnaoua Festival Tour will take place from March 16 - March 27, 2017 as the initiative of the Yerma Gnaoua Association and the organisers of the Festival.

The Gnaoua Festival Tour will bring together some of the greatest Moroccan Gnaoua maalems with jazz and world music musicians to perform in New York, Washington and Paris.

Gnaoua Musicians: photo Jesse Poe

At each venue well known musicians will join the Gnaoua on stage to merge their musical universes in harmony with the spirit of the festival. “In 20 years, we have come a long way, and we wish to recall to what point, and beyond the cultural dimension, the Essaouira Gnaoua and World Music Festival has shown the face of a new Morocco; authentic and modern at the same time, specific and universal, and resolutely African," says Neila Tazi, Producer of the Gnaoua and World Music Festival, and Founding Member and Deputy President of the Yerma Gnaoua Association.

During the tour, the Gnaoua maalems will first perform their traditional repertory, before sharing the stage with internationally renowned artists for collaborative sets. The Gnaoua Festival Tour will start in New York on March 16, 2017 at Lincoln Centre, then will fly to Washington to perform on March 18 at the Kennedy Centre, before travelling back to New York for the last concert at Brooklyn Pioneer Works on March 19. In these concert halls, the Gnaoua maalem Hamid El Kasri and Abdeslam Alikkane will perform alongside Karim Ziad, Will Calhoun, Jamaaledeen Tacuma, Shahin Shahida and Humayun Khan.

Hamid El Kasri : photo Sandy McCutcheon

After the United States, the tour heads to Paris where, on March 27 at the Bataclan,  maalems Mustapha Baqbou and Hassan Boussou will perform along with Tony Allen, Hindi Zahra, Titi Robin, Mehdi Nassouli and Karim Ziad.

The Gnaoua Festival World Tour 2017 is presented by the Yerma Gnaoua Association and The Essaouira Gnaoua and World Music Festival. The tour is made possible thanks to the official sponsorship of OCP, the partnership of TV5MONDE Group, and with the support of the Moroccan Embassies in France and the USA, and the support of Momex.

The Gnaoua fraternity has sprung from populations originating from Black Africa, mainly comprised of slaves and their descendants. Gnaoua are a fraternity practicing ritual possession of a mystical and therapeutic nature which might have been inherited from sub-Saharian animist cults.

Some maalems believe Gnaoua music and rituals share common origins with Voodoo, Cuban Santeria and Brazilian Candomblé. These practices then evolved adapting to their local settings to ensure continuity.

A Gnaoua troup usually consists of master musicians, instrument players (three-string guembri lute, qarqabu metal castanets, tbal drum), fortune-telling therapists (chouwafate), mediums and simple followers. Together they practice a syncretic possession rite (called lila de derdeba), which combines the cultural contributions of Black Africa, the Arab-Muslim civilisation which came from the East as well as the indigenous Amazigh (Berber) cultures. During the lila, the adepts take part in rites of possession.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A Fado Festival For Rabat in April

The first edition of the Fado Festival will take place on the 20th and 21st of April in Rabat. The festival will not only include music, but also conferences and films
Fado as a music genre can be traced to the 1820s in Lisbon, Portugal, but probably with much earlier origins. Fado historian and scholar Rui Vieira Nery says that "the only reliable information on the history of Fado was orally transmitted and goes back to the 1820s and 1830s at best. But even that information was frequently modified within the generational transmission process that made it reach us today."

Although the origins are difficult to trace, today fado is commonly regarded as simply a form of song which can be about anything, but must follow a certain traditional structure. In popular belief, fado is a form of music characterised by mournful tunes and lyrics, often about the sea or the life of the poor, and infused with a sentiment of resignation, fatefulness and melancholia. This is loosely captured by the Portuguese word saudade, or "longing", symbolising a feeling of loss (a permanent, irreparable loss and its consequent lifelong damage).

The Fado Festival will feature a new generation of Fado singers. Amongst those will be Maria do Carmo Carvalho Rebelo de Andrade, known simply as Carminho, who will perform on April 20 at the Mohammed V theatre in Rabat.  (See video below).

The following day will be a chance to see Luís Guerreiro, a talented guitarist who has performed around the world with Fado superstar Mariza. On this occasion he will appear with two singers Maura and Rodrigo Costa Felix.

Luís Guerreiro
Maura, although only 17 years old, has paid her dues in Casas de Fado, the Fado houses of Lisbon and is considered one of the future international stars.

Maura - a rising star

Rodrigo Costa Félix is ​​one of the precursors of the new generation of Fado and heir to the great tradition of male Fado singers in Lisbon. Professional Fado singer since the age of 17, his versatile career has led him to sing in Fado houses as well as concerts in Portugal and abroad, participating in tv shows and documentaries, and major record projects and main Fado events.

Rui Vieria Nery, one of the specialists of Fado, will give a lecture on the history of this art. The singer Rodrigo Costa Felix will lead a discussion on the Casas de Fado, spaces dedicated to this type of music and which are included in the intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO.

Rodrigo Costa Félix

The festival will also show two films devoted to two figures of this popular music. The first, entitled " Com que voz ", traces the story of Alain Oulman, composer of Fado persecuted by the regime of Salazar. Oulman is notably famous for having collaborated with the the Queen of Fado, Amalia Rodrigues.

The second film, entitled " Mísia a voz do Fado ", is a documentary about the career of the famous singer Mísia, who became queen of the Fado following the disappearance of Amalia Rodrigues.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Australian Artist Exhibits in Fez

Art Exhibition: "Study of the Equid" by Natalie Scholtz. An exploration through paint and pencil of horses, mules and donkeys in Fez

Natalie Scholtz is a visual artist from Western Australia. As a drawer and painter Scholtz depicts the gesture and emotion of objects in her immediate environment. Scholtz's works range between bold and colorful representation of form, to subtle suggestions of shape through sketchy line.

From the last week of January through February 2017 Natalie Scholtz was given the opportunity to paint, draw and document the work, ethics, and equids of the American Fondouk and broader Fez community. The full-time work that goes on behind the closed doors of the American Fondouk, a free animal hospital in Fez, is one of restoration and the nurturing of life. Scholtz explores the physicality of the working horses, mules and donkeys. The angular and sometimes fragmented character of the working animals from Fez tells a story of livelihood, community and culture. Scholtz enjoyed making aggressive charcoal lines that follow the strong skeletal shapes of mules and playing with sandstone colors found in both the coat of a horse and walls of the medina.

Alongside the artist residency there was space for art sessions at the local Girls' Center in Ziat. Scholtz delivered introductory skills in drawing, pattern making and color mixing to a select group of girls. The workshops aimed to encourage the arts in young people, but more importantly offered respite and a space for creative conversation with the disadvantaged youth of Fez.

The artist residency at the American Fondouk was possible due to the generous sponsorship of the American Fondouk, ALIF, and the American Language Centre in Fez.

The Study of the Equid Exhibition
Exhibition opening: Thursday, March 16 at 6:30 PM
ALIF Riad, 6 Derb Drissi, Batha, Fez Medina
Continues daily through March 26, 4-6 PM


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fez to Rome ~ New Flights

The low-cost airline "Air Arabia" is launching two new flights between Morocco and Italy. The two flights to Italy will be departing from the Fez - Saïss airport and the Mohammed V airport in Casablanca

From March 28, 2017, passengers will be able to benefit from the new line connecting Casablanca to Catania, twice a week.

The second air link will operated between Fez and Rome and will be available from June 17, twice a week, according to the Arabic-language site Alyaoum24.

With three different pricing options, ticket prices will be very affordable, according to Marco D'Onofrio, Air Arabia's sales manager in Italy. The prices will vary according to the options chosen by the passenger, in particular the number and the weight of the luggage.


Friday, March 10, 2017

Photographic Adventure in Fez

Sunset Photography
Sunday,  12 March  at 5:30 PM, meet in front of the Batha Fountain 

 During these times the sun is low in the sky, producing a soft, diffused light, much more flattering than the harsh midday sun that so many of us are used to shooting in.

Please join us to learn more about sunset photography.