Sunday, October 30, 2005

Gnaoua (gnawa & lilas)

One of my favourites is Gnawa Diffusion and the album, Algeria. These musicians are based in Grenoble in the South East of France and come from a rich mix of musical and cultural backgrounds. Fusing their individual influences into a collective sound, Gnawa Diffusion have woven elements of rap, ragga, jazz, reggae and rai into a vibrant musical patchwork. Another cd to look out for is Akrab The Waterseller.

Gnaoua (Gnawa) are the descendents of slaves originating from Black Africa who established brotherhoods throughout most of Morocco. They are made up of master musicians (maâlem), metal castanet players, clairvoyants, mediums and their followers.

They are at the same time musicians, initiators and healers, blending African and Arabo-Berber customs. Despite being Muslims, the Gnawa base their ritual on djinn (spirits) straight from the the African cult of possession.

The rite of possession that Gnaoua celebrate is right at the heart of their multiple activities. It is called derdeba and is held the night (lila), hence its name lila of derdeba.This is the most spectacular and important ceremony and its function is essentially therapeutic.

During the celebration the maâlem and his group call on the saints and supernaturel entities to take possession of their followers who fall into trance.

Their instruments :

-3 stringed percussive lute (guembri)
-Large metal castanets (qraqeb)
-Drums (ganga)

Their ritual can be compared to Haïtian voodoo and Brazilian macumba.

The music of the brotherhood - of which only the profane part is played on stage to the public during the festival - has sparked a wave of emulators on the international scene.


Gnawa : plural of Gnawi. A generic term which includes all members of the brotherhood including the master musicians, castanet players, clairvoyant healers and the followers of the cult.
Maâlem : master of the ceremony
Moqadma : priestess
Tallaâtes, chouwafates or arifates : clairvoyant healers
Mlouk : supernatural entities
Guembri or Hajhouj : percussive 3-stringed lute
Aouicha : small guembri
Qarqabats or Qraqech : metal castanets
Tbel : drums
Ftouh errahba : beginning of the mlouk repertory of songs
Derdeba or Lila : Ritual of possession
Hal or jedba : trance
Koyo : Pre-Islamic musical repertory

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: Fes Festival of World Sacred Music Program

Foulla Says.
Weblink: More on Moroccan music.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you have such sweet memories.