Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Mohammed Bennis (Moroccan Poets #2)

Born in Fès, Morocco in 1948. A major figure in Modern Moroccan poetry. Ph.D holder, and professor of Arab poetry at the faculty of letters, Rabat. In 1971 he founded the literary review Attakafa Aljadida which was decisive in the creation of a Modernist sensitivity in Morocco during the seventies. He is president of the House of Poetry in Morocco, and one of its founders.

His poetical works include: Before Speech, Towards Your Vertical Voice, Leaf of Splendor and The River between Two Funerals.

LINK:Moroccan Poets 1



Anonymous said...

I look forward to meeting him.

Anonymous said...

Salaam 3laikum,
Is this the same Muhammad Bennis that features in the following video with Sheikh Hamza Yusuf ?

Mashaa' Allah he has a beautiful voice :)