Thursday, January 05, 2006

How should we spell Fez?

An interesting email arrived from a dear and respected friend in Fes, who points out that trying to find this blog is confusing and difficult because of the various spellings of "Fes". For a start the French "Fès" does not always show up with the accent and can appear on some systems as "Fs".

Then there is the "Fez" (American spelling) which gets confused with the Turkish hat of that name and also some character in an American TV show.
And then there is the real spelling! And transliterated that would be "Fas"!

So The View From Fes/Fez/Fès -would like to hear from you. HOW SHOULD WE SPELL THE NAME OF OUR WONDERFUL MEDINA? Please post a comment. Shokran bizzeff!



Anonymous said...

Just my dimes worth. I rather liked the French spelling and found it "exotic"

Anonymous said...

Fes works for me. I could never do the accent thing.

El Glaoui said...

I am happy as long as people can find it!

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Fas Fez Fès Fes! All are right. Fas is the Arabic spelling; a person from Fas is a Fassi or Fassia. Fez is the English (not American :) spelling. Fès is the French spelling. Fes is the lazy French spelling that's used a lot on the internet both by French people and English speakers. Some Google stats:
Fès Morocco occurs in 755,000 sites
Fes Morocco 597,000
Fez Morocco 779,000
Fas Morocco 279,000
Fès Maroc 2,030,000

The idea is for lots of people to find a site easily, so it's probably good to use different spellings, at least Fez and Fes. I noticed that when I did a search using "view from fes" I couldn't find your wonderful blog. I'm pretty sure it's because of the accent.

Anonymous said...

However you spell it I like Fez and your country .

Anonymous said...

Thanks folks - will experiment and see how we go. At the moment we are listed on tecnocrati as the #2 Moroccan Blog... But we can improve!