Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Moroccan weather turns chill!

Heading to Morocco? Then take a warm coat! The Moroccan weather services have announced that heavy showers will continue over the coming week, with a strong, cold wind on most days. Heavy rain will overspread all Morocco, especially northern areas where rain falls will exceed 30mm every nine hours.

This forecast mainly concerns the northern cities of Tangier, Tetouan, Larache, Chefchaouen, and Taounate, but Fez is extremely cold (2 to 13 degrees celsius).

Heavy downpours will be accompanied by gusty winds reaching up to 72 Km/h, in addition to snow falls over the mountainous areas above 1,200m altitude. Temperature is expected to fall between -1° in Ifrane, north, and 13° in Laayoune, south.

In related weather news, an Iranian ship has run aground in the Oulad Hmimoun beach in Mohammedia (17 km from Casablanca), as a result of the bad climatic conditions which have prevailed in the past few days in Morocco, reported MAP news agency.

"Iran Madani", a phosphate ship of 200 m built in 1985, was carried by the currents and the wind. It had been in the port of Casablanca to load some 40,000 tons of phosphates. At the moment bad weather is preventing any rescue attempt.


juniorbonner said...

Oh dear!

I'm coming over next Monday for what I hoped was going to be an escape from the wet and cold of London. Just my luck. Any chance things might brighten up in the week or two?

Anyway, been really enjoying your blog, it has provided a lot of useful info for my trip.

Anonymous said...

I can promise you the weather in Fez will imporve! By the middle of February there is almost 11 hours of sunshine and top temperatures should be up to 16 - 18 degrees celsius... and from there on it will get warmer through to the heat of August. Best months? April/May. Enjoy your visit.

juniorbonner said...

Thanks Samir

I am going down to the south too, so hopefully it will be a bit warmer there.