Thursday, March 30, 2006

What planet are they from?

Moroccan fashion? Sometimes you have to ask the question - where did these people come from? The latest instance comes from the fashion world where the online "fashion store" Banana Republic who have released a line of clothing they claim is based on Moroccan themes. Only one problem, it has nothing to do with any Morocco I have ever seen! But then I might be a little out of date, so check for yourself.

"Consider it a journey in chic"- Banana Republic



Junoon said...

lol!well if you find out what morocco they are talking about let me know... i would love to see that !

Cat in Rabat ( كات في الرباط) said...

And it's SOOOO practical!

Anonymous said...

قبيله القحاب منين جيتو الله يشتتكم