Sunday, August 13, 2006


Ten of the twelve players in Morocco's national university seven aside rugby team that recently took part in a tournament in Italy have disappeared. The news was announced by local newspaper 'Le Matin'.

The ten players are said to have left the team on the day after the final of the tournament, played in the capital from 4 to 6 August (a tournament in which, for the record, Morocco came last). "They are university students, two of whom had just graduated" said Mohamed Sibari, secretary general of the Moroccan University Sporting Federation, to the newspaper.

The players had taken advantage of a three month preparatory stage in our country: "during the whole of the time of the stage - Sibari explained - we explained to them the consequences of such a step, but it seems that they were determined to illegally emigrate" (they were to leave their passports with their official escort). "This type of 'escape' by sportsmen - Le Matin admits - is not the first of its kind. Recently, a considerable number of similar incidents have been recorded"


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