Monday, December 04, 2006

We couldn't resist....Exploring life in Fez.

Most of the major real estate and property firms get in touch with us from time to time and update us on their news. Sometimes we only hear about it through the grapevine. Back in October, Fes Properties launched their new website and, knowing how problematic new sites can be, we waited until they ironed out all the glitches. Today we took a look.

You can imagine our surprise when we cruised through to the page entitled "Explore Fez" and discovered this:

Explore Fes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam lacinia dictum magna. Donec dictum ullamcorper felis. Morbi rutrum cursus felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque aliquet, nunc ac dictum imperdiet, velit lacus pharetra justo, vel commodo magna metus ac ligula. Etiam adipiscing massa. Maecenas ac turpis. Ut convallis neque vel sapien. Aliquam a velit vel sem porta feugiat. Vestibulum sagittis nibh non odio.

Mauris posuere, sapien eget ultricies aliquam, odio sapien dignissim sem, eu bibendum erat purus a lacus. Maecenas semper. Vivamus elementum. Vestibulum nisi mauris, facilisis in, luctus et, dignissim et, neque. Cras est. Fusce venenatis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse varius augue in tortor. Suspendisse tortor. Nam congue. Praesent dictum, massa id imperdiet facilisis, libero elit sodales arcu, quis elementum nisl sapien vitae nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris vel dolor. Donec interdum urna quis pede.

There is a lot more like that and you can check it out here: Fes Properties - Explore Fes

It puts Fez in a whole new light. We think the moral of the story is: Don't advertise your new site until you have checked it out.

And another thing - while they are fixing their site, they might like to change some of their glamorous photographs. For a business that calls itself "Fes Properties" they really should have photographs of Fez - a couple we saw were of Marrakech and Chefchaouen. Pretty pictures, but not Fez.

Post script. Maecenas - has posted a comment that is worth reading.



Anonymous said...

This agency is trying to encourage better-educated people to buy houses in Fes, which is a noble thought. Thus parts of their website are in Latin, but it seems to be a very obscure dialect...I have a degree in Latin and I still found it a bit challenging. Anyway, I've translated the first part to give people an idea of what to expect when they first come to Fes:

"Itself pain he is to come up to. Up to the time when word lucky. Sickness a race lucky. Vest before itself first upon lamentation and avenging to lay bed Management; Each one some, now and word, skirmish a hollow a quiver equity, or to make fit fear and. As yet to come up to mass. Maecenas and unseemly. When to grow strong worthless or wise. Some a skirmish or prefix meaning half-carry not to hate."

Anonymous said...

You know that's not what it says, Macenas. ;) People are going to believe that's a literal translation.

I think it would have been more appropriate for Fes Properties to use Cicero's original text:

"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit ('Nobody likes pain for its own sake, or looks for it and wants to have it, just because it is pain...')"

Anonymous said...

That Latin is the default text from a "Dreamweaver" template.

Anonymous said...

Well, Dreamweaver uses it, true, but it's actually been used as "dummy" text in the printing industry since the 1500s.

El Glaoui said...

"Dummy text" is right! LOL I just checked out the site and the pictures are SO not Fez! Not the brightest kids on the block, huh?

Anonymous said...

Fez- ille terrarum mihi praeter omnis angulus ridet -

And thanks maecenas for the smile you gave us.

Liosliath ( as always ) O maitre pulchra filia pulchrior!

Anonymous said...

I love Horace, thank you Samir!

El Glaoui - Yes, that's definitely a web design no-no - one should only "go live" with a completely finished site. I learned that one the hard way...