Monday, January 29, 2007

Morocco Report's big book search continues.

The Meknes ALC is trying to acquire a bunch of paperbacks for our student library, but before we go and buy new ones and pay exorbitant shipping and customs, we were hoping there would be some people in Morocco with extra books lying around that might want to send them our way (or if they're in Fez, I'd be happy to just come pick 'em up). If anyone does have some books , please contact me via ArtiZany for instructions. Thanks!

You may have seen the advertisement ( above) on our sister blog ArtiZany - well, we decided to do an update and check how things were going with the big book search.

According to the Morocco Report - "The American Language Center of Meknes' students are faced with an extreme dearth of English reading materials, making it nearly impossible for them to improve their reading skills in English. Given the recent error of Maroc Telecom (see "Phony" article in my blog!), English skills are of growing importance in Morocco, in all industries."

TVFF: Why did you ask for donations of books?

MR: Why are we asking for donations? Well, the entire city of Meknes (population somewhere between 600,000 and one million) has three good but small bookstores, and those three bookstores probably have about 15 English books between them. Our school has a budget, but not for a library, and we're going to have to spend a ton renovating a space to make a library anyhow, so I volunteered to acquire some books.

TVFF: So how has the response been?

MR: I've "secured" about 300

TVFF: That's a great start...

MR: I've been loaning books out from my 20-book bookshelf for over a year and to secure several hundred additional books after quick jaunt 'round the blogosphere is AMAZING! Mind you, we're hoping to have around 1,000 to justify turning a classroom into a library, but holy crap, what a start!

TVFF: What kind of books are you after?

MR: Any used books. Adolescent/pre-adolescent genre fiction, adult genre fiction (sci-fi, crime, "chick lit"), biographies, nonfiction related to business or computing, grammar books, young adult fiction, children's books.

So, if you can give a hand and donate some English language books, please email us and we will give you a postal address for donations. Email us at


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I might have a few English books, but I live in Rabat and have a profound distaste of the post office around here. If anyone connected to this search comes by Rabat, I'd be happy to oblige.