Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Palm tree looting in Morocco!

One of the most unusual stories to come from Maghreb Arabe Presse in recent time is that of the case of the looted palm trees. Yes, that's right, some evil rascals are out and about ripping up palm trees and then planting them in their own plots. Not easy work one would imagine, but certainly profitable.

For their part, the Moroccan government are not amused and has warned against the behaviour. The looting of palm trees apparently is a phenomena in the south of the country where date palms contribute 60% of the agricultural incomes of 1 million people in the region.

According to the news agency, the warning came in a statement by Secretary of State in charge of Rural Development Mohamed Mohattane who recalled that Morocco had adopted a new law and sketched a national programme to combat all forms of palm trees looting.

We are uncertain as to the number and variety of forms of this behaviour, but Mohamed, who was on a visit to Ouarzazate, said that the law recently passed by the two chambers of the Parliament aims at fighting all risks that ravage this oasis product.

He explained that that measures are being taken to restructure and promote this sector, insisting in particular on the need to conduct awareness-raising campaigns. Under the new law, offenders will be fined between USD 450 and 900, and will also be compelled to hand back and replant the looted palm trees, at their expenses. Don't say you haven't been warned.



ياسمين حميد said...

Yes but how are they to know the looters?

Cat in Rabat ( كات في الرباط) said...

Morocco needs more garden centres! Everyone loves a nice garden centre.

xoussef said...
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