Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Cafe Clock - coming soon!

Cafe Clock's Chicken Caesar Salad

Recently, a plaintive note was sounded by an English tourist who said he'd wandered the medina streets looking for Cafe Clock, to no avail.

The View from Fez
can report that the Cafe is due to open within weeks, and promises to be a most welcome addition to the Fez eating scene. It is a bit late (the opening party was in May), but as everyone knows who has tried to restore a house in the medina, things don't always go according to plan. But then, when you want perfection, things always take a little longer.

Last night Helen Ranger, Tamsin and Rose were guinea pigs as Cafe Mike was trying out a new chef. The Chicken Caesar Salad was fresh and delicious, with the right amount of dressing, crispy garlicky croutons and lashings of grated parmesan. It was a treat to the eye and the palate. Next came lasagne which promises to be a great dish. The finale (made by Tariq whose cakes are already famous) was banana, walnut and chocolate dessert cake, with a white chocolate sauce.

There's very little left to do on the restoration front. Lights have been installed in the street outside (Derb Magana, leading off Tala'a Kebira at the Bouanania Medersa), the kitchen is almost complete and the rooms are stacked with interesting-looking furniture and objets. The bookshelves for the library are finished, there's a great calligraphy mural on the wall, staff t-shirts are being made - it's all oh so close. We'll keep you posted.



Louis McIntosh said...

my mouths watering already!!

The View From Fez said...

Fantastic news. Go Mike!