Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Where to find news from Morocco

We receive a lot of email requests for sources of news from Morocco. So here are the places we regularly visit in order to keep up to date.

The Moroccan Ministry of Communication has information in Arabic, English and French. Moroccan Ministry of Communication

Al Maghreb info is a reasonable source of information but although they claim to be in English, Arabic French and Dutch, it can be hard to find much that is not in Arabic or French.

MAP(Maghreb Arabe Presse) - The Moroccan national news agency is in Arabic, French and English ‎Maghreb Arabe Presse

Magharebia is an online journal for the entire Maghreb region and often has good stories on Morocco in English, French and Arabic. Magharebia

Medi1 - (Mediterranean International Radio) is in French and occaisionally Darija - and has great music ‎

Al Alam is on of the oldest Moroccan Arabic newspapers Al ‎

Le Matin is the oldest of the French language newspapers in Morocco Le Matin

Another of the popular French daily newspapers is Aujordhui, Aujourdhui

L'Economiste is the national French language economics daily L'Economiste

L'Opinion is an opposition party French language newspaper

Liberatiion is a mainstream (main party’s) newspaper in French ‎


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