Friday, September 26, 2008

Ahmed El Maanouni's 1981 movie "Transes" to screen at festival

Ahmed El Maanouni's 1981 movie "Transes" is to get a screening at the 35th edition of the Ghent Film Festival in Belgium, which runs from October 7th to 18th.

"Transes" is a 92-minute documentary that examines the immensely popular Moroccan Music group "Nass el-Ghiwane" and emphasizes the musical characteristics of this group inspired by Moroccan and African heritage.

The Belgian festival that will pay special tribute to African, Iranian, Afghan and Turkish cinema will also feature exhibitions dedicated to cinema.

Ghent Film Festival, themed "the impact of music on film", is the biggest annual international movie festival in Belgium, attracting many famous film producers from around the world. Over 200 films will be screened at this year's festival.

Dans les années 70, 'Nass El Ghiwane', provoque une explosion musicale qui devient pour les jeunes, le cri de leurs désirs, de leurs frustrations et de leur révolte. Ce film est l'itinéraire du groupe musical Nass El Ghiwane, formé à l'école de la rue, et qui utilise la transe, expression populaire rituelle des Gnaoua d'Essaouira, comme véhicule d'une expression moderne.


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