Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The festival of Madih and Samaa in Fez

The festival of Madih and Samaa September 29 to October 1 in Fez

Madih style songs are eulogies to the Prophet Mohamed and in Samaa’ are spiritual poems.

La ville de Fès abritera du 29 Septembre au 1er Octobre le festival du Madih et Samaa, organisé sous le thème "Madih et Samaa, science, art et éducation", à l'initiative de la commune urbaine de Fès.

The city of Fez house of 29 September to 1 October festival Madih and Samaa, held under the theme "Madih and Samaa, science, art and education" at the initiative of the municipality of Fez.

Cette rencontre culturelle et artistique annuelle verra la participation de troupes spirituelles et musicales de plusieurs villes du Maroc, du monde arabe ; notamment du Liban, de la Tunisie, de la Libye, du Pakistan, de la Palestine et du Sénégal.

This cultural and artistic encounter is held annually and will involve the spiritual music of several cities in Morocco, the Arab world, including Lebanon, Tunisia, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine and Senegal.

(Photo credit: Sandy McCutcheon)


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