Wednesday, October 01, 2008

King Mohammed VI pardons 708 on Id al Fitr

King Mohammed VI has pardoned 708 prisoners to mark Eid al-Fitr, the feast held at the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

According to a Justice Ministry press release, total pardon was granted to 99 inmates over their remaining prison term and reduction of imprisonment term to 510.

The royal pardon also wrote off monetary fines to 79 people, total pardon of the imprisonment term and the fine payment to 9 and pardon of the imprisonment term while maintaining the fine payment to 11 people.

Pardon is granted to a number of prisoners by the Monarch on the occasion of religious and major national celebrations, notably at the Id al Fitr and Id al Adha (lamb sacrifice), celebrated during the haj or pilgrimage.In total, 708 convicts received full or partial pardons - the remainder seeing jail terms shortened, fines reduced or the removal of other restrictions.


1 comment:

Adilski said...

This is a nice royal gesture. Yet, those convicts, mostly theives and robbers, will get back on the streets to mug women and old people in plain day light.