Monday, November 10, 2008


The View from Fez reported a few days ago (Confounding the Guidebooks) that our favourite medina restaurant owner, Thami, had confused everyone by painting a new sign above his restaurant that read 'Tohami'.

Once we'd pointed it out to him (and helped some Dutch tourists who were trying to follow directions in their Lonely Planet guide), Thami promised to change the spelling. He did - and had the whole street laughing:

Sandy is definitely Thami's favourite customer, but we're sure the sign will be changed soon so that everyone can find the restaurant.

Reporting: Helen Ranger.
Photograph: Helen Ranger.



Anonymous said...

Hee hee. You have to love the Moroccan sense of humor! Very funny.

Anonymous said...

roflol! Thami is a crack-up!

The View From Fez said...

Yeah, yeah.. (two affirmatives = one negative!)