Monday, December 29, 2008

Tourist killed in Morocco bus crash

A British national has been killed in a horror bus crash in Marrakesh, just two days after a family Christmas.

Last Saturday Gary Porter, 31, from Northern Ireland died after the vehicle in which he and his wife were travelling was involved in an accident as they were being transferred from Marrakesh airport to their resort hotel.

Mr Porter's wife Natalie, 30, was injured in the accident in which a number of people are believed to have been killed. Reports say that up to six people may have died.

The couple had been married for five years after meeting in Bristol during their student years. They lived in Warwick where they both practiced as dentists.

They had travelled back to Northern Ireland for Christmas with the Porter family, and then headed off to Marrakesh last Saturday.

Mr Porter's sister-in-law said that, "He was just the nicest possible fella. He was so good with the children and always was the life and soul of the party. This is such a shock.

"My husband is flying over to England tonight and then on to Morocco to try and see what has to be done."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Gaza it was over than 300 peoples dead !!

Gaza has more than 300 people killed by the Israeli army blind heart and right!
when one is Arab and Muslim there for nothing.